
发布时间:2023-07-14 16:24:07 阅读:72 点赞:0

关于”我们青春开头结尾“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:O youth begins and ends。以下是关于我们青春开头结尾专升英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:O youth begins and ends

I go to school at

7:30 ry day. I have fo classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have o hos in the ning.

I still need to practice for an ho. I go home to finish my homework at nine o'clock to prepare for the entrance examination of high school.




2:我们青春开始和结束,Last night, I went to my fend's birthday party. I made some fends. We had a good chat.

A new fend of mine showed us pictes of the places he had been to. We were all envious. We all dream of traveling to many places, but none of us took the action he told us.

He told us that we were too young to see the world We know that what he told us is correct. We are young. In the eyes of the elderly, being young is a good thing.

We are so free to go where we want to go, but most young people don't realize their ghts. They waste their youth and dare not do what they want to do.




3:我们青春开头结尾,This year, there are many movies to commemorate the passing of young people. These films are very popular with the dience. Suddenly, the topic of youth has become a hot topic.

Many people collect symbols representing their youth. They recall their youth for the young, and they enjoy a good life. For the elderly, in my opinion, youth has nothing to do with age, We can enjoy o youth all the time.

The movie evokes people's memory. If people are active, they can always be young. When people get old, they don't need to look back on their memoes.

They can live like young people. They don't have to live like old people. When they are old, they think they are always young.

It reminds people to keep young heart.



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