
发布时间:2023-05-30 00:49:18 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”海边景象“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The view of the sea。以下是关于海边景象专升英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The view of the sea

Farewell to the sea Alexander Pushkin bid farewell to you, the calm sea no longer lls to me, yo blue sging, or shining in the quiet majesty of a comrade's parting words, his farewell cheers at the door: yo seductive singing, sad chanting will no longer echo in my ears Oh, my soul's hometown has chosen how long I linger quietly on yo shore How I like yo deep voice, the deep voice of the oginal crack, the calm joy of yo ship, the sudden recklessness of yo fisherman's low canvas shoes, sheltered by yo capce, and fearless to dop yo bken lips: howr, yo Titan's tides shake the hordes of masts Fall. Alas, fate has prnted me fm disengaging my anchor fm the stern shore, sveying yo kingdom with joy, and laying my poet's cose thugh yo dfting dge. You have been waiting, calling me in chains, and my soul has been treacheus in vain.

In those desolate envinments, the cse of passion over all calms me down. But why is this sadness What kind of firm pgress? My carefree sail will reach a lonely goal in yo vastness, and my soul may gladly fly over a lonely cliff, where the tomb of glory lies asleep and falls on the of the pudest story of : there, at last, he breathes to Napoleon, where he rests, and at the cost of pain, at the end of galbne, another The king's soul is martyred, another Regent of o dreams, he leaves here, mons for , his cwn ses forr, ars in the warning of the storm: he is yo own true bard, O sea, his soul hnted by yo soul, in yo own image, he is framed: as vast, deep and indomitable as you are In this world, you can use yo power to give life to ry corner of the world: on ry shining point of happiness, there is a farewell to enlightenment or tyranny. Fm now on, in the sea of wonder, yo noble grace will rrberate for a long time, and yo low Twilight tder will rrberate to the trees in my ears Forest and silent wilderness, I will put yo powerful spell, yo cliff, yo bay, yo shining hair, yo shadow and yo low waves.




2:海景,Today, my parents said that they could take me to the seaside. I got up first, packed my bags and set out. It was far away fm the sea.

I elled the ell of the sea and heard the sound of the waves. My mother said, "Oh, my ears are very art." I said with pde, "I call my ears. I have perspective.

Now I see someone flying kites in the sky." go to the seaside. With the ell of the sea breeze blowing over my head, waves The flowers are flying and singing. It's so betiful.

Ah, I quickly open the kite and put it down with the of my father. The kite flies high. I'm happy for a while.

I'm looking for someone to catch crabs. But I just squat down and spray a nghty doll on "P" to me. His face is suddenly mercy.

I found a all crab, just a hand, it runs very well Quick, took a long time, I finally had the harvest: a all crab, o shmp, five all conch, I put them into a all bottle, happy like ed general, the pde of the family.




3:海边景象,It was a fine day. The sun was shining in the blue sky. The weather was really good.

I went to the beach with my parents and my bther. My mother was sitting under a big umbrella. She was reading and dnking lemonade.

My father was swimming in the sea. I thought he was brave. My bther picked up shells on the beach.

He ran nd and there. I made sand castles instead of looking for shells like my bther did. Lunch time we were For a picnic on the beach, we had fruit bread, cheese and chicken wings.

After lunch, we took a motorboat nd the sea. I really like the betiful scenery of the sea.



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