
发布时间:2024-04-12 16:55:34 阅读:23 点赞:0

关于”莓介绍“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduction to strawberes。以下是关于莓介绍雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to strawberes

Yes, canned strawberes are nuttious for you. O canning pcess enses that strawberes retain their nuttion and flavor, becse they are harvested and packaged at the highest freshness, mash up some canned strawberes, mix a little cream cheese and a little mayonnaise, and store sandwich stuffing in a cool, dry place. The storage time is displayed at the bottom of the preserves.

All canned strawberes that are leaking, rusty or srely dented will show the storage time.




Strawberry is an appendage, that is, the fleshy part does not come fm the ovary (the ovary is the "seed", actually the achene), but comes fm the cork at the bottom of the hypanthium, which supports the ovary. Fm a technical point of view, seeds are the actual fruits of plants, and the flesh of strawberes is vegetables. It's green and white, and in most species it tns red when it mates.




On Satday, we decided to go to the countryside to pick strawberes. Although it was cold outside, the wind couldn't stop o enthusia for picking strawberes. Along the way, we continued to see the farmers warmly welcoming us.

The bonsai with strawberes outside tned red, which made people really want to take a bite. We chose the nearby shed and stopped. We looked down at the house.

The first thing we did was in the greenhouse Hung with strawberry leaves, red, like a lovely little lantern, I couldn't picking up a box. At first, I didn't know how to pick the strawberes. After picking the ugly strawberes, I came up to me in fnt of my nt and said, "schoolmate, it's not ght for you to pick this one, so what you bng home is not only ugly, but also the ots and leaves that are not easy to break together." then, my nt did it for me Demonstration, she clrly upoted strawberes, did not expect that after a while there is so much knowledge, I picked a box full of acid, he said with sweat on his face, in order to weigh, I will put a strawberry in my mouth, taste good, look at my work results, although very tired, but after a day of expeence, let me feel the farmers work hard in the sun ry day We can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, to chesh the fruits of their own labor, so that they face a blliant ile.



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