
发布时间:2024-01-01 00:59:41 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”商业广告弊端“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of commercial advertising。以下是关于商业广告弊端小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of commercial advertising

In a commercial society, no one can avoid advertising, becse the psuit of maximum pfits, advertising and appear on television, newspapers and most public places, the general business competition is becoming and fierce, followed by some of the false advertising or deceptive advertising exaggerating the function of the pduct be to harm their consumers, n if some of them are advertising The stng support of the money earned will cse great harm to people's health. Manufacters are not afraid of any company, and the most terble thing is that consumers are the only victims without any . Therefore, I beli you should buy something and read the advertisement carefully, not beli in the advertisement completely.




2:商业广告弊端,:] (P big stimulus, all banknote a) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) red and fashionable on ravel sizzling styles all these, colorful colors, ordinary or you want, we have its Carnival a) b) alliteration a B, B Pepsi hit the scene,

12 full ounces, this is a lot, and it's ice as much as a nickel, Pepsi is yo dnk a), b) a B a. A, B, B, B, B are easier to get thugh stre e etch a) b) b) stretch b) think differently a) b) think different b a) Memoes are as bght as tpical flowers, fresh as cool sea breeze, and leisely deep sea. These are the steps of time in Sheraton Bar Harbor Resort.

In different scales here, you can only kiss the sunset dance on the beach on yo palms, sing under the stars in the night life, and the soft silver light under the moonlight will push you in. This is Sheraton Bar Harbor Resort. The day is not willing End, these memoes will nr go away a) b) when you sip Lipton, you are sipping something special a) b) fresh sn up a) b) BB all and good feeling a) b) a, b) rything is fine, and the result is good a) b) b) b) end: fresh food and fresh air the perfect recipe for a healthy life.

I chose candy (candy) a), candy b) + candy a B and + perfect recipeive chose its Candy A, B there are sral ways to explore the crystal clear waters of Greece, fm the deck of an aluminum cruise ship that can carry you to many betiful Greek Islands, fm the high bow of a traditional fishing boat, or on yo own pvate yacht, whatr you choose, you will nr forget Greece a):, b),:, b].


:](P大刺激,小钞票a)b)b)b)b在Ravel Sizzling styles上红火时尚所有这些,更多是缤纷颜,普通或你想要,我们有它狂欢a)b)头韵a b,b百事可乐击中现场,12满盎司,这是很多,也是一个五分硬币两倍,百事可乐是您饮料a),b)a b a,a,b,b,b,b更容易通过stre e e etch a)b)b)舒展b伸展a)苹果思考不同a)b)思考不同b a)回忆明亮如热带花朵,清新如凉海风,悠闲大海深处这是喜来登巴尔港度假村时光脚步在这里不同尺度,只为你们两个掌上沙滩轻轻亲吻水边夕阳舞,夜生活在满天繁星下歌唱月光滴下柔和银光把你塞进这就是喜来登巴尔港度假村,子迟迟不肯结束,这些记忆永远挥之不去a)b)当你啜饮着Lipton时,你在啜饮一些特别东西a)b)新鲜七喜a)b)bb小而好感觉a)b)a,b)一切都很好,结果很好a)b)b)b)结束:新鲜食物和新鲜空气健活完美配方我选择了它糖果(Candy)a),Candy b)+Candy a b and+perfect recipeIve选择了它Candy a,b有几种方法可以探索希腊水晶般清澈水域,无论是从可以载你到许多希腊美丽岛屿铝质游甲板上,还是从传统渔船高船头船头,或者在你自己私人游艇上,无论你选择什么,你永远不会忘记希腊a):,b),:,b]。


3:商业广告弊端,Explanation: in this section, you have 30 minutes to wte an article about my views on the negative effects of some advertisements. You should wte at least a few words, and yo composition should be based on the following outline (in Chinese): my views on the negative effects of some advertisements. In fact, there are many mistakes.

Advertisements in the society have csed a lot of harm to the society. The harm is mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, exaggerating the function of advertising commodities and misleading consumers; second, some advertisements contain obscene content, csing spitual pollution, which seously damages the reputation of enterpses, becse the stores selling these commodities will be distrusted by consumers, and n be considered by consumers It's the conspirators of those advertisements. I'm very vigilant to any advertisements, so I've nr been cheated.

But some people are credulous and easy to be cheated. In my opinion, effective meases must be taken to crack down on false advertisements and ptect the interests of consumers. All advertisements must be stctly examined by relevant departments before they are released.

Those who publish illegal advertisements should be srely punished for being picked up by the society Eliminate.



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