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关于”生幸福方法“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The way to happiness。以下是关于生幸福方法xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The way to happiness

If you look at the men and women nd you who you can call happy, you will find that they all have something in common. The most important of these things is an activity, which can gradually build up what you like to see. Women who have an instinctive please for their children can get this satiaction fm cultivating family artists, wters and men Foot science gets happiness in this way, if they think their work is good, but there are many humble forms of the same happiness.

Many people who work in cities devote their weekends to voluntary and unpaid work in their gardens. When spng comes, they realize all the happiness of creating bety. In my opinion, people take happiness too seously 。 Some people think that without life theory or religious belief, people will not be happy.

Maybe people who are unhappy with bad theoes may need better theoes to them recover, just as you need toni when you are sick, but when things are normal, a man is healthy and not tonic, happy but not theoretical. Simple things are really important. If a man likes his wife and children, succeeds in his work, and finds happiness in the alternation of day and night and spng and tumn, then no matter what his philosophy is, if on the other hand, he finds that his wife is determined, his children are noisy, and the office becomes a nightmare if he longs for night ding the day Late at night, sighing at dawn, what he needs is not a new philosophy, but a new way of life - a different diet, exercise, or not a man is an animal.

His happiness depends on his physiological functions than on his humble conclusion. But I can't make myself beli in unhappy businesen, I beli, thugh ry one of them Walk six miles a day to increase their happiness, not thugh any conceivable philosophical shift.





Don't hesitate too much in the first half of life. We shouldn't regret what we do in the second half of o life. We should seize ry opportunity to find a way out in o life.

Bee things are pgressing very fast, we should slowly say gent things, say seous words, humous words, and ctiously say uncertain things. Don't say things that haven't happened, things that can't be done, things that ht others, or disgusting things We should tell others o happiness on a specific occasion. We should not tell anyone about o unhappiness.

We should follow o own heart and interest to realize what we should do, instead of just looking forward to the fute in words. Everyone is eager for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessaly mean that we can have happiness To achi happiness, we need to know how to get along with others. Therefore, we need to understand the core of happiness and realize o wish: "without happiness, a person will feel very painful bee he always insists that what he has done is ght.

Others often do wng to him. He blames others or the envinment for ry mistake, instead of reflecting on himself, which makes him and far away fm happiness A famous person once said that no one will make mistakes bee of his iorance. Therefore, if someone makes a mistake, we should care about him, forgive him, and set a good example for him.

Instead of being angry and hating him, we are unreasonable like him, bee we will make a stupid mistake and keep us away fm happiness.




Happiness is something you decide in advance. This one-year-old, petite, elet, pud and art lady, ry morning at 8:00 a.m., will be dressed betifully, her hair is very fashionable, and her make-up is perfect. Although she is blind, she moved into a sanatoum today.

Her huand of many years has recently passed away. She has been waiting patiently in the lobby of the sanatoum for sral hos before learning about her om When the om was ready, she gave a sweet ile; when she pushed the walker up the elevator, I made an intuitive descption of her all om, including the eyelet sheet hanging on the window, "I love it." she enthusiastically said that an old man in her 80s had just received a new dog, "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the om, just wait a minute"; it has nothing to do with it "She replied," happiness is something you decide in advance, whether I like my om or not, not how the fnite is arranged, it's how I arrange what I've decided to love.

It's the decision I make when I wake up in the morning, and I can choose to lie in bed all day, tell about the difficulties of those parts of my body that are no longer working, or get up Thank you for what you do ry day. It's a gift. As long as I open my eyes, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memoes I've stored up for this time in my life She went on to explain, "old age is like a bank account.

You withdraw money fm yo savings. My advice to you is to put a lot of happiness in the bank account of memory. Thank you for yo le in filling the memory bank where I still save money." she said with a ile, "remember the five rules of happiness: free yo heart fm hate let yo mind free fm tuble "Give , expect less".


幸福是你提前决定一件事。这位年仅xx岁、身材娇小、风度翩翩、骄傲自大女士,每天早上八点都会穿得漂漂亮亮,头发梳得很时髦,妆容也很完美,尽管她是个盲人,但她今天搬进了一家疗养院;她多年丈夫最近去世了,她在疗养院大厅里耐心地等了好几个小时后,当得知自己房间准备好了时,她甜蜜地笑了笑;当她把助行器推到电梯上时,我对她小房间作了一个直观描述,包括在窗户上孔眼床单“我爱它”,她热情地说一位80多岁老人刚刚收到一只新小狗,“琼斯太太,你还没看到房间,就等一等吧”;“这跟它没有关系,”她回答说,“幸福是你提前决定东西,不管我喜欢不喜欢我房间,而不取决于家具是如何布置,这是我如何安排我已经决定要爱东西这是我每天早上醒来时所做决定,我可以选择一整天躺在床上,诉说我身体上那些不再工作部分困难,或者起床,感谢那些每天都在做事情,这是一份礼物,只要我睁开眼睛,我就会把注意力集中在新一天和我储存起来所有快乐回忆上,就为了我生命中这一次。”她接着解释说,“老年就像一个银行账户,你从你存钱中提取,我给你建议是把很多快乐存到记忆银行账户里谢谢你在填补我仍在存钱记忆银行里角,她笑着说:“记住快乐五个简单规则: 让你心从仇恨中解放出来 让你思想从烦恼中解脱 简单地生活 给予更多 期望更少”。

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