
发布时间:2023-12-04 02:41:07 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”赢得比赛“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Win the 。以下是关于赢得比赛小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Win the

If I win a million dollars, if I win a million dollars, I'll be a millie. If I'm a millie, first I'll all the poor people in the world. I'll give my money to them, poor children go to school, and then I'll buy myself a big house and a good car, but that's what I need.

The rest of the money goes to chaty if I have any left The rest of the money, I beli that happiness is something that money can't buy. If other people are not happy, I will not be happy, so if I am a millie, I will only others and make the world better, and we will all be happy.




2:赢得比赛,In an increasingly tense job , both employers and job seekers attach great importance to interview. It can be said that interview has become an indispensable aspect of a satiactory job. The interviewer can use this opportunity to learn about the candidates, such as their work expeence, education ll and personality, so as to select suitable candidates for the company.

On the other hand, the interviewer can take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the job he is going to be engaged in, the reputation of the company he is applying for, and the working conditions and necessary conditions. Job interview is not a terble good start. Excellent performance in half way will let fute employees get the job, but how can we succeed? First of all, the interviewer must pay attention to his appearance.

Although we can nr judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is always the second place for us to start. Politeness is equally important. The interviewer should neither be too pud nor too timid, but be polite.

Third, the interviewer must demonstrate his talents and skills in the job, as well as his knowledge of the job-related fields. Finally, he / she must express his / her views clearly and confidently, but at least, the interviewer should state his / her views honestly. Her personal and academic backgund is the best policy summary for honesty.

Job interview is really important and there is no need to be nervous. Howr, if the interviewee has been fully prepared and given a fairly confident and honest performance, he or she will succeed Work can be guaranteed.






3:赢得比赛,We all beli that in the Olympic Games, ry winner has a lot in common. They psue excellence and respect others, such as their fans and coaches, and n their opponents. Therefore, they nr give up, always beli that they can do better in o real life, we also need to be an important winner, let us know how to become the first person to succeed, a certain goal is o stren, if you pay attention, you can do individuals, rything can be an important factor, we should do to us Everything has a high spit.



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