
发布时间:2023-04-14 08:25:55 阅读:154 点赞:0

关于”运动会新闻稿“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Sports press release。以下是关于运动会新闻稿小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sports press release

Speaking at a press conference at the International Monetary Fund's World Bank meeting, Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the people's Bank of China, said in Singapore in September that the bank raised key deposit and loan rates, and since March, the people's Bank of China (PBOC) has raised key deposit and loan rates for the third time in sral months since Sunday to cb the world bank Inflation and asset bubbles in the fas gwing major economies. The benchmark one-year lending rate will be raised fm% to%, and the one-year deposit rate will be raised fm% to%. According to a statement on the world bank website, Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank governor, is wored that cash fm a record trade splus is fueling ovenvestment.

In a statement on its website, the central bank said in a statement on its website that the acceleration of inflation and the se and fall of asset pces have increased Zhou Xiaochuan resisted the call of Eope and the United States for a faster appreciation of the , which made China's export cost higher. This interest rate adjustment will be conducive to the reasonable gwth of credit and investment, to the stability of pce ll, to the stable operation of the financial , to the balanced economic gwth and structal optimization, and to pmoting the national economy to be good and good "Rapid dlopment" the data released in the past week show that the economy has not actually slowed down, and the government is increasingly wored that the economy is unnly dven by investment and pduction, "said Glenn Maguire, chief Asia economist at Societe Generale in Hong Kong." the central bank may raise interest rates ice this year, "said Maguire, who said fixed asset investment has been in ban areas in the past o months Up a few percent to less than

10 percent, China still has to take action to slow down investment, said Ma Kai, head of the Ministry of national dlopment. The state's top planning agency Reform Commission said last week.




2:体育新闻稿,The air quality will deteorate in the next few days. Weather forecasters said that Shanghai will have a good air quality day after yesterday's moderate pollution, but tomorw and Thsday, the city will be hit by fther pollution. The Shanghai Envinmental Monitong Center said the air quality index is expected to be beeen today and today, indicating that the air quality is good, and the quality of tomorw's slow wind and local air will be good The accumulation of pollutants, mainly nitgen dioxide, is expected to push up to the air quality index beeen and, indicating mild pollution.

Forecasters expect another cold fnt in the Yangtze River Delta fm Thsday to the weekend, csing mild to moderate pollution in some areas. The Shanghai Envinmental Monitong Center said the air quality index in Shanghai is expected to be beeen and, indicating the light fm the cold fnt Mic pollution, the main pollutant is expected to be

5 p.m. "We still need to watch to see if the next und of pollution will affect Shanghai's air quality after Thsday." The last und of air pollution in Shanghai was csed by pollutants cared by a cold fnt in the north, which raised Shanghai's air quality index to or moderately polluted.

Yesterday morning and afternoon were the main pollutants.



满分英语范文 It is reported that Guzman finally succeeded in a hotel in mazlan, his hometown of Sinaloa. This operation is called a joint operation of Amecan and Mexican tops.

3:运动会新闻稿,Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug tycoons, is known as EI Chapo or shorty was arrested in northwest Mexico, and the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel was taken to the barracks with people fm Mexico City. Will grant wakin ichabo Guzman, who escaped arrest since his escape in, was able to run the Sinaloa cartel, the largest and most powerful drug cartel in Latin Ameca, with impunity 。

Not only is Guzman one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, he is also one of the chest people, accumulating personal wealth belid to be than one billion dollars.


世界头号通缉大亨之一约金·古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)被称为艾查波(EI Chapo)或肖蒂(Shorty)在墨西哥西北部被捕,前锡那罗亚集团前人与更多来自墨西哥城人一起被带到军营,威尔·格兰特华金·艾查波·古兹曼自年越狱以来一直逃避逮捕,他能够拉丁美洲最大和最强大集团,锡那罗亚集团,而不受惩罚。据报道,古兹曼最终在其家乡锡那罗亚州马兹兰市一家酒店里得逞,这次行动被称为美墨军队联合行动,不仅是古兹曼他是世界上最受通缉毒枭之一,他也是最富有人之一,积累了被认为超过10亿美元个人财富。

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