
发布时间:2023-06-30 13:55:42 阅读:468 点赞:0

关于”我对出国旅游看法“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My opinion on traveling abad。以下是关于我对出国旅游看法小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My opinion on traveling abad

Nowadays, studying abad is very popular. Many people want to go to the United States, becse others will envy them, and they can get a certificate fm abad, which makes them different fm domestic students. Howr, there are some disadvantages in going abad.

People should read sat, which is very difficult for forei students. People should study English very hard, and the cost of studying abad is also very high, especially for the top ten schools. Although forei schools may have good learning conditions, if I have the opportunity, I will choose to study at home, becse many of my fends will stay at home, it is easy to keep in touch with them, and I am likely to enter the University Get good grades in the exam.




2:我对出国旅游看法,My summer vacation. I had a good summer vacation this year. I went to the country for my summer vacation.

It's very betiful there. There are green plants, clear vers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent o weeks ing my grandfather with his farm work.

Besides, I wte down what happened in my diary ry day. I the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. I them read English and impve their spoken English.

Their parents thank me for that.





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