
发布时间:2023-05-21 10:49:17 阅读:301 点赞:0

关于”享受生活中乐趣“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Enjoy the fun of life。以下是关于享受生活中乐趣小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Enjoy the fun of life

(working for a living) in the first years of this centy, there was a siificant difference beeen people living on farms and people living in ral towns and villages. People outside the city don't understand the differences, but people in town and farmers are very positive about them. Generally speaking, people in cities and towns see people who live on farms.

Becse farmers tend to be slow, stutteng and uncivilized than themselves, although they are very powerful, they are also a bit docile. Farmers think that people living in cities and towns can live at ease and can't svive when they need toughness, self-reliance and lifelong efforts, n when people are working For a long time, they still beli that there are long working hos and low wages in factoes, shops or towns. Many houses in the town do not have running water, toilets or electcity.

To some extent, they are ght becse the people in the town rest on Sunday, Wednesday or Satday afternoon, while the farmers do not, and the residents of the town are not completely mistaken, becse of the countryside When people go to chch in the city, they are usually very restrained and shy. Women have nr been as enterpsing and confident as the city women in the shops. Howr, those ral children who come to high school or continue education, although they may get good grades and have succesul career in the fute, have hardly r been elected president, whether they are representatives of literary societies or classes, Even money doesn't make much difference.

Farmers keep a certain pde and ctious reserve. In fnt of the public, they can buy and sell.






2:享受生活乐趣,Enjoy life / feel good about life / stop and ell the se / enjoy life super relax squirrel enjoy life enjoy life enjoy life enjoy life without doing anything, but enjoy yo life let you enjoy leise life under bong presse, have time to enjoy life, we should enjoy life n if it costs a little, if you always do What is life like to live like a dog.




3:享受生活中乐趣,The joy of life comes fm having good emotions, believing in them, and giving them bird like in an open envinment. Happiness in life can nr be disguised as a pose or put on a mask fm the outside. People who have this kind of happiness don't need to talk about it.

They radiate its light. They just live in happiness and let it spread the sun to other life. Just like nate, as the bird song sings, we can nr work for it directly.

For those who psue higher goals, it is just like happiness. It's a by-pduct of living. The joy of life comes fm what we give for life, not what we seek in Rowe.




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