
发布时间:2023-06-01 01:34:14 阅读:300 点赞:0

关于”快速变化世界“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A rapidly changing world。以下是关于快速变化世界考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A rapidly changing world

I hope that the world will be peaceful. Although has entered the centy, there will be no large-scale and large-scale wars like the Second World War, but local wars and conflicts still exist. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unjust wars lnched by the United States and other countes, are not one of the factors in the Peace War.

The ppose of the United States is to seize Iraq's ch oil Resoces and major strategic positions reflect the hegemony of the United States. Such selfish acts of the United States have bught bad effects to the Iraqi people. Howr, the disadvantage is that there are explosions ry day in Iraq, and many civilians are killed.

Howr, the US military is those who abuse their power, kill innocent civilians and abuse pson psoners, which has bught heavy losses and national suffeng to the Iraqi people, We must firmly oppose the hoolis who act as "World Police" in the name of the United States. Aund this behavior, we should also reflect on how to make China pspeus and people's lives happy. As the only superpower in the world, the United States affects the peace and dlopment of the world.

I also hope that the world will not be poor. The gry people and children will play with science, and no one will eat any . This is consumption In addition to the pblem of poverty, the theme of "dlopment" is that if there is only world peace and no dlopment, the world is still not a better world.

In the world's poorest Afcan continent, dreds of children are starved to death ry day, infected with vaous diseases, but they can not be treated. On the other side of the world, the Amecan people have to worry about obesity, but Amecans still eat all kinds of high caloes ry day The amount of caloes consumed by Afcans sral times a day reflects how unbalanced the dlopment of the world is. The ch are getting cher and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.

There is no self-sufficient world. I hope the world will be happy and betiful. Fm the beginning, we should not waste food and water.

Let a green "all citizen" also give us a power on this planet The builders of the fute should study hard to make the society harmonious, the envinment better and the world better.




There are sral reasons for this change: first, we are now in the information age. Comrs are very useful in editing and data pcessing, it easier for people to communicate and pvide vaous kinds of information. Second, comr skills can become the competitive advantage of job seekers and stimulate students' interest in comrs.

With the sharp decline of comr pces in recent years, and students are learning Students can afford to buy comrs, but there are also some pblems that waste students' time and affect their study. Therefore, as students, we should always remember that we should use comrs correctly.


造成这种变化原因有几个:第一,我们现在处在时代,计算机在编辑和数据处理方面很有用,使人们更容易相互交流和提供各种;第二,计算机技能可以成为求职者竞争优势,激发学生对计算机兴趣随着近年来计算机价格急剧下降,越来越多学生买得起计算机,但也出现了一些浪费学生时间、影响学习问题,因此我们作为学生应该时刻牢记,我们应该正确使用计算机  。


Once I went to Disneyland and was boating in the little world theme park, I overheard a father ask his son, "do you know why the world is getting aller and aller?" The little boy replied, "it's becse it rains ry day in the world. The whole world is full of water. Water cses the earth to shnk." I was amused by the boy's words.

Howr, I think the answer is reasonable. We are destying the envinment. We are losing land.

The water area of the earth is getting larger and larger. Becse we have made a bigger hole in the atmosphere, let's ptect the earth before it is too late.



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