
发布时间:2024-02-26 18:35:40 阅读:64 点赞:0

关于”古代人与现代人对话“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Dialogue beeen ancient and modern people。以下是关于古代人与现代人对话小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dialogue beeen ancient and modern people

A: Hi, Li Ming, what's yo vacation tomorw? C: except for extraccular activities, what's wng? Yes, it's a holiday. You should do what you want to do and learn all the things. Temek: I think but my parents usually make all the choices becse I should learn a lot in my spare time to catch up with others student Sa: Oh, unfortunately, in my study, my parents nr do Force me to do anything.

I can choose my hobbies after school, such as playing the guitar, joining the chess club and so on. It sounds interesting. I envy you (California).


A: 嗨,李明,你明天要做什么度假C:除了多参加课外活动怎么了是,这是个假期,你应该做一些你想做事学习所有泰梅克:我想但是我父母通常会做所有选择,因为我应该在业余时间学习很多东西来赶上其他人学生莎:哦糟糕是,在我学习中,父母从不强迫我做任何事情,我可以在学校以后选择自己爱好,比如弹吉他,加入国际象棋俱乐部等等听起来很有趣我很羡慕你(加州)。


Now people are under and presse. Different people have different presses. First of all, students worry about their academic achiments.

They ask them to get great grades. This pblem makes students work harder in their studies and have no time to play. They will feel that they are bounded.

Second, we know that bachelor's presse is also increasing. Now the house is and expensive and lost The industry rate is also getting higher and higher. What's worse, they don't have much money to pay for the family hat they owe.

Some people give up marage becse of their low income. All these pblems come fm o society. We have dreds of millions of people, but the shortage of resoces leads to the competition beeen us.

Howr, o government should give jobs and let people have their jobs. In addition, o parents need to encoage their children to do whatr they want to do under the presse of their free time. In this competitive society, the presse of modern life seems to be a natal part of o daily life.

Whether there is presse or not, there is always one or another kind of presse. Moreover, with the accelerating pace of modern life, it seems that It's hard to avoid or eliminate it. Stress seems to be increasing day by day.

Different people have different views on stress. Some people think that stress is very harmful. If it is too much, it will lead to a decline in one's physical and mental health.

Therefore, they always complain or try to avoid it. They think that there is only relaxation. On the contrary, it is what we should expect.

On the other hand, we think that presse is not As bad as people usually think. In fact, a certain amount of stress is essential to o lives. It pmotes o pgress and contbutes to o personal success.

I agree with the view of the past. I beli that a little bit of stress is an important factor in life. Only when the presse is out of contl, can it lead to poor performance and poor health.

Becse it is impossible to eliminate stress, there is no point in trying to do so or complaining.






The harm of mobile phones to health has become and popular. Everyone has one, n pmary school students have one. Howr, it is very important for us now.

It is hard to say that, in any case, it is obviously harmful to people's health. Everyone knows that the use of electmaetic wave to tranit sials makes people unhealthy than r before, some diseases, such as hair loss Mobile phone manufacting needs a lot of natal resoces, and the shortage of these resoces aggravates the envinmental pblems.



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