
发布时间:2023-04-26 09:48:46 阅读:1008 点赞:0

关于”想成为怎样人“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What kind of person do you want to be。以下是关于想成为怎样人小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What kind of person do you want to be

I want to be a doctor when I gw up. Do you want to know why? When I was a little girl, I was walking down the street when a man on a bicycle hit me. I fell to the gund and he de away.

I was very sad and ced. At that time, a woman came up to me and asked me what happened. I told her what happened.

She told me that she went to the hospital immediately. In fact, she was a doctor. She carefully examined my legs and feet and said it was no big deal.

Then she took me home. I was lucky that day and I aded her. Fm that moment on, I decided to be a doctor.

I wanted to people with my knowledge and kind heart.





2:你想成为什么样人,Afe4be5bedear students: on Satday afternoon, the school will carry out love activities. The main requirements and arrangements of the theme are as follows: This is a public activity, which requires volunteers to participate in voluntary activities. We need to one impve social goals with the spit of free will and interest.

We need to go to a all school Learning, pmary school for children's compulsory lectes, in which students in storytelling, mathemati, science, children's painting, and children's music in other aspects have excellent performance, you can register, this is a kind of dedication of love, this is a kind of love, let's all hand big hand, pass love to people.




3:想成为怎样人,What kind of animal do you want to be? It's a question. I've made up my mind to become a panda. If I can know, in this world, in today's days, panda is a very cute animal in the eyes of most people.

Not only becse of their betiful appearance, pandas are not easy to gw up and poor, only a few thousand pandas exist in it The world's NDA is known as the "trease of China" becse China is the hometown of panda. As a precious animal, no matter how difficult life is for most animals, pandas are always healthy and nr worry about these pblems. Just like an old breed of "ger and danger", the Chinese government attaches great importance to it.

Many countes are pud to accept pandas if I am really oric Will change myself in another animal, I will not hesitate to choose to be a panda.



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