
发布时间:2023-06-23 10:05:35 阅读:1002 点赞:0

关于”和朋友旅行“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Travel with fends。以下是关于和朋友旅行小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel with fends

Dear XXX, after the final exam this summer, I'm going to travel with my parents to England. We're going to stay there for a few days. I'd like to know about the customs there.

So please tell me in yo letter that there are many places of interest in Btain, and it's difficult to decide which place to visit. I'd appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions. I look forward to yo reply.

Good luck.




2:和朋友一起旅行,When I was very young, there was a song about guillini who wanted to go to Guilin, but when I was ch, I didn't have time. This was my first impression of Guilin. It was such an attractive song's great power.

I said to myself, when I grew up, I had to go to Guilin. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to go there. In the summer vacation, my mother asked me to go with her I was so excited to visit an old fend.

My dream will come true. I packed my bags and went to work in the morning. We arved in Guilin.

This was the first time I was so close to Guilin. I took a deep breath. I saw all the things on the street in the summer vacation.

I visited all the scenery there. They were so betiful. No wonder some people said that the scenery of Guilin ranked first.




3:和朋友旅行,Travel with fends along with the coming of holidays, people always want to travel aund, they want to relax themselves, but different people have different ideas, travel alone or with others, some people refuse to travel with others, n though they seem lonely, they think traveling alone is free, they can do anything, besides, they will have a lot of free time to spend Relax themselves, but some people think that they want to enjoy a pleasant joney with others. They are eager to travel with their parents or some good fends. They can each other in case they get into tuble.

In my opinion, traveling with fends can strenen their fendship. The choices vary fm person to person, which depends on o attitude towards life. For me, I prefer traveling with fends rather than traveling alone, becse I like the time when fends or care for each other.

Anyway, I want to be with my fends.



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