
发布时间:2023-06-18 13:42:22 阅读:192 点赞:0

关于”学习好处“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Benefits of learning。以下是关于学习好处小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of learning

As we all know, now Chinese is widely used, and English is also widely used, so learning English is necessary. My reason is: first of all, China is becoming and powerful. The world is no longer what it used to be.

China has become a part of the world. English has become a tool for communication with other people. Second, we communicate with others and widely.

We must become versatile. We must try o best to learn than knowledge in books. If we can a certain knowledge, we will ntually have chances of success than others.

We can find that many parents send their children to school to learn English. This trend is irresistible. We can draw the following conclusion: and people pay attention to English, and many people communicate in English, especially in some big cities in China and n in some big countes Meetings are all in English, so I think we can't iore the benefits of learning English.




2:学习好处,In learning, we always encounter some difficulties, so we often work in teams, which can save time, share ryone's suggestions, and pmote ryone's pgress. There is a gup study, and each of us actively expresses his views. Soon, we will work hard to find solutions to pblems.

This gup study, open o hearts, each of us Get along better, impve one's ability Edison said: cooperation is the mother of success, therefore, we should learn collective learning.




3:学习好处,The benefits of learning English are widely used today. We learn English fm pmary school. Some students ask why they want to learn English.

First of all, we learn English becse there are some advantages. We can learn about a forei language. Secondly, we can talk to foreiers.

We can pass the exam. O mother will be very happy. We are not behind others, When we travel abad, we can often talk with others in English, so English is so useful.



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