
发布时间:2024-02-09 06:10:10 阅读:224 点赞:0

关于”旅游建议“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Toi suggestions。以下是关于旅游建议小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Toi suggestions

I just dve my fend William fm Pudong International Airport to the hotel in the center of the city. He is fm Cambdge, England. This time, he came here to visit and enjoy the mountains and vers of China.

Now, Shanghai, a mate and radiating City, is his first dp. Becse in recent decades, China has undergone many changes, and infrastructe and high-se buildings are emerging in endlessly. I suggest that he cycle nd the city Becse he can see the whole city, which is totally different fm traveling, passengers can see the scenery quickly by bus, which is a pity for cyclists in the city.

Howr, he can take this opportunity to get close to the local scenic spots and lifestyle. On the other hand, he can also take this opportunity to have a better understanding of o national culte and tradition. He disagrees with my suggestion and starts to prepare.




2:旅游建议,This summer camp is really good. I had a good time in the summer camp my mother forced me to go. I thought it would be terble, but it was a little good, not bad at all.

The hst time I spent here was when we went to a very interesting water park, which was called "the big ver horse water world". There is a very interesting slide. You sit on a float and slide down.

But when you go in, it's completely dark. It's worse than enteng the hnted house, but it's interesting. I have the coage to continue ding.

As time goes by, the joney to the horse is over, and we go back.




3:旅游建议,Huangshan is one of the most famous mountains in China. It is located in the south of Anhui Pvince. Thousands of Chinese and foreiers come here ry year.

It's not far fm here. It takes about three hos. You can also go there by train or by plane.

When you climb the mountain, you can enjoy the sea. In the morning, when the sun ses, the clouds, pines and unique cks nd you look very betiful. It's really a good place to visit.



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