
发布时间:2023-12-25 02:33:04 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”缺乏缺点“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Lack of shortcomings。以下是关于缺乏缺点xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lack of shortcomings

Faile is a thing in one's life. Almost ryone has expeenced faile. When a person fails to do something, he often feels uneasy.

Some people may yield to faile and retreat, but others will persist and achi ultimate success. This is what ryone expects. When a person succeeds, it may bng fame and honor, and when doing something, he becomes so He was so excited that he often iored the temptation that rything he did was unsuccesul.




2:缺乏缺点,College students should participate in social practice. At present, many college students lack social practice, not becse they have no time to do it, but becse they are not interested in such things. Some people prefer to play comr s rather than participate in social practice.

I think it is better for them to participate in social practice. Students should participate in social practice activities, and they can learn than the school Thugh participating in social practice, they can realize what they lack, and then learn knowledge in school. College students will ntually go to the society.

If they can participate in social practice before they really enter the society, they will get valuable social expeence and knowledge, so that they can easily adapt to the society in a short time.




3:缺乏缺点,As far as I know, a large number of ual asslt incidents have been disclosed and reported by the mass media recently. People should get some enlightenment fm it, such as strenening and strenening the education of self-ptection awareness. Especially for children and students, children and students suffer the grea harm in such incidents.

It is essential to enhance and strenen their self-ptection awareness and strenen the danger If they can be aware of the potential danger fm someone or something before the danger occs, they can do some preparation to avoid the danger and reduce the injy rate. Therefore, I suggest that parents should their children dlop a sense of self-ptection fm birth. For example, while desiing some situations for them to cope with, parents should teach their children to recoize the dangers and how to avoid and reduce the sks fm the outside world.

In addition, children also need to dlop an excellent observation ability, and ptecting children needs the efforts of parents and children themselves.



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