给校长的一封信英语作文_A letter to the headmaster 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-01 09:07:53 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”给校长一封信“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter to the head。以下是关于给校长一封信专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter to the head

A letter to the head, dear head, as the Minister of student life of the student union, I am wting to you to make you satiied with the situation of o can. The can pvides us with a vaety of food, which gives us many choices. At the same time, the food pce is low, the food is delicious and the dining envinment is impved.

The can has become clean. When we eat, we can watch TV, but there are also some unsatiied places. For example, the number of is less than the amount it should be.

This is unfair. In the can, there are not enough seats. Some students must stand when they eat.

We hope that the school will consider adding seats to us. Finally, we hope that they can impve the quality of food and If o pposal can be respected by you, XXX, we will be very happy.




Dear President: sports facilities play an important le in the daily life of college students. It is necessary for schools to build sports facilities in schools. Students not only study hard, but also need sports facilities to relax themselves or enhance their physical quality in their spare time.

But there are too few sports facilities in o school, which is not good news. Students' life is very monotonous. They spend most of their time in the reading om or playing s online.

I'm looking forward to yo reply. I wish you all the best in yo work.



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