
发布时间:2023-07-04 00:18:26 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”未来城市“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Fute city。以下是关于未来城市xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fute city

In the near fute, great changes will take place in people's lives and necessities. Even if there are bots to us, there will also be dverless cars to us reach o destination safely and quickly. This does not need o contl.

In the fute, ships will carry us to other planets, n though it is far away fm us. In addition, there is a supercomr that can us calculate all kinds of calculations, and I look forward to it in the fute.




2:未来城市,How to reduce the existing population in o modern city overcwding and solve the pblem put forward three suggestions. Most people think that the first thing is to implement the policy of late marage and one-to-one-child to reduce the birth rate. Secondly, the ban government must stctly contl the entry of ral population.

In order to reduce the presse of population gwth on the city, and people suggest to build in the subbs or aund the city Shopping centers, schools, hospitals, cinemas, theaters and n satellite cities are in the ral areas aund the city, so that ban residents will be encoaged to live and work there. If these three suggestions are well implemented, the ban population will be greatly reduced.




3:未来城市,The Mayans' prediction of the end of the world has not yet arved. Desiers have drawn out an extremely advanced and pspeus bluepnt for the fute dlopment of the world. On the csscss track of the fute city, looking at the lifelike moving state of MOI beside the track, full of bots, looking up at the sky, drawing an arc, and flashing the charm of many aircraft, you will have a great influence on the fute world With the rapid dlopment of science and technolo, the tower next to the building tns into clouds, which makes you exposed to the sky all of a sudden.

It makes you have to submit superb works of art to fute engineers. Of cose, the most innovative one is the desi of the ng ad for the fute. It not only saves ban land, but also gives players one Extraordinary expeence when you see the photoelectc display loop line, you must always bend down, so as to achi a perfect intersection.

The full enjoyment of the big arc bngs you amazing centfugal please. The last track connects the o ends of the next city ver. The high-speed bdge is also a very novel high-speed bdge.

It is a transition area, in which cars can change lanes quickly On the blue ad section, the speed of the car will be greatly impved. In terms of the high speed on the bdge and the scattered acceleration belt, the cool photoelectc effect is extraordinary for the speed of the car. Are you also douing the highly dloped technolo ll of the city in the fute.



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