
发布时间:2023-03-28 06:37:39 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”吸烟有害健康“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:oking is bad for yo health。以下是关于吸烟有害健康xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:oking is bad for yo health

As we all know, there are many okers, although ryone knows that oking is harmful to us. It's not easy to quit oking, but it's easy to become addicted. That's why and people oke.

Passive oking is a sk factor for vaous diseases. It has become the cse of death than lung cancer in the world. The ratio of oking to lung cancer csed by oking is sral times that of non-okers.

In addition, oking can cse cardiovascular disease, digestive disease, oral disease and so on. In recent years, passive oking has attracted people's great attention. People have realized that passive oking does great harm to people.

Therefore, many countes and regions phibit people fm oking in public places. In my opinion, in order to reduce the harm of second-hand oke, the best way to keep healthy is to quit oking, which is good for okers themselves.





2:吸烟对你健康有害,Smoking is harmful to yo health. If you oke too much, you will not be healthy. Many people oke too much ry day.

They will become thinner. Cigarettes are poppies. Although this is a betiful flower, it is a poisonous flower.

If you oke a lot or a little ry day, I suggest you don't oke becse it is good for yo health.



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