
发布时间:2023-07-03 13:40:09 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”我们一家“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:O family。以下是关于我们一家xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:O family

We are now living in a common home. The earth pvides us with enough food, enough water and enough living om, so we must do o best to ptect her. There are many big and all, red or green.

We have betiful gardens nd us. But there are some barren land on the earth. Some people may ask, why not put all the land Why not prnt the land fm tning into desert? Why not prnt the air fm being polluted? Why not prnt the earth fm being poisoned? It is o envinment that has bught us people than the efforts of nate and human beings can prnt.

More people will bng us industes. So many trees will be cut down and big cities will be built In retn, therefore, some experts claim that the balance of nate is being destyed and human svival is in danger. We are very sad about this.

What can we do to solve this pblem? We have to ban cutting down trees, killing animals, dumping waste water into vers and so on. We should nr desty the ecological balance, nate let all animals live in harmony, let trees, flowers and plants retn to o home, becse we have only one home, that is the earth.





2:我们家庭,(o house) I have a betiful house. My parents and I live in o house. Now it's by the lake.

We all like o house. We're glad o house isn't very big, but I think it's betiful. Here is the door.

Let's visit o house. Welcome to o house. It has three bedoms, a kitchen, a bathom and a big guest Hall o house let's have a look at my all om first.

In my om, there is a bookcase on the ght side of the bookcase. There are many books, a bed, a doll and some clothes. There are many posters on the bed.

On the wall near the bookshelf, there is a desk on which I study ry day. There is a comr. I often play comr s on it.

There are o lights and a clock in my all om. Also look at o parents' om. There is a TV and a sofa.

There is a big bed in it. There are many pictes and o lights on the wall. Then look at o living om.

There is a TV and o sofas. There are o tables and chairs in the living om. We like o house very much.

Do you like it.




3:我们一家,O house I have a betiful house. My parents and I live in o house. Now it's by the lake.

We all like o house. We're glad yo house isn't very big, but I think it's nice. This is the door.

Let's go and have a look at o house. There are three bedoms, a kitchen, a bathom and a big living om. Let's take a look at my all om first Beeen.

There is a bookcase in my om. There are many books in the bookcase on the ght. There is a bed.

There is a doll and some clothes on the bed. There are many posters on the wall near the bookcase. On the desk is a desk I study on ry day.

There is a comr on which I often play comr s. In my all om, there are o lights and a clock. In my parents' om, there is a TV and a sofa.

There is a big bed. There are many pictes and o lights on the wall. Then look at o living om, There is a TV and o sofas in the living om.

There are o tables and chairs in the living om. We like o house very much. Do you like it.




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