
发布时间:2023-11-03 17:12:36 阅读:48 点赞:0

关于”有文明旅游“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Civilized Toi。以下是关于有文明旅游考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Civilized Toi

It is reported that visitors to the great wall of China can now leave their mark on a recently built fake wall near the Great Wall in Badaling for only yuan. In China, many toists have the hobby of doodling on histocal sites. Especially when I went to the Great Wall last year, I found that many people left the names and ugly words on the wall.

In my opinion, it destyed many histoc bcks. These people should be ashamed to leave their own marks on the literate d by their ancestors. So I personally agree with this blliant pject Although it has ed some ctici.

If we don't take any meases to ptect it, the Great Wall will be destyed one day. Fake Great Wall is a good idea bee it will ptect o cultal reli and pfit fm the pject.





Behavior toi when the festival comes, thousands of people rush into the scenic spots. They want to relax and enjoy the betiful scenery. But the Chinese people have a bad habit.

They like to leave some notes on the toist destination to pve that they have done this behavior before, bee this behavior will be cticized by the public, bee the message will damage the ptection of toist attractions Ptecting most of the toist attractions is a part of China's histocal reli. These sites are pceless. It is ryone's responsibility to ptect the sites when traveling.

We should first show that we should have such a concept: when we leave the construction site, we should take what we bng with us. Secondly, we should keep the envinment clean, and do not wte any notes on the construction site In the past, Chinese workers liked to leave their names on the construction site, but now it is a new world and we need to show oselves.



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