
发布时间:2022-12-29 05:42:35 阅读:82 点赞:0

关于”有关交友原则“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Pnciples of fends。以下是关于有关交友原则八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pnciples of fends

I like to make fends, but I hope my fends are very open and fendly. They should be selfless and geneus. They should have a stng sense of responsibility.

They should chesh o fendship. They should be kind and willing to those in difficulties. They should respect the old and care about the young people.

They should be polite to others. They should be creative.




A fend in need is a fend. Fends are very important in life. Everyone needs to have fends to make fends.

It's good to ile at others, becse it attracts others like a maet. If you want strangers to feel yo honesty, you must care about others than yoself. You want to remember other people's names becse it's polite.

You should not quarrel with anyone becse of opinions. Don't Trust those who leave you in difficult times, becse only those who are with you in difficult times are true fends. How to make fends, ryone needs fends, so how to make true fends is very important to ryone.

A good fend can make you a better person, a bad fend can desty you in many different ways. To have a fend you may like, you should first become a good fend of others, so in my opinion, what is a star fend, a good fend It's a quirk for others. He should always ile.

He should be considerate and think about other people's thoughts. When a good fend quarrels, he should care about others rather than himself. They should calm down and think about their mistakes carefully.

Some fends may desty you. They are not true fends. In other words, a fend in need of is a fend who doesn't depend on him Fends of fends.




Choose fends: fends are a very important part of o life, we will make fends at different stages of life, although ryone has their own fends and partners, but no fends can not be without fends. In my opinion, the people who choose to establish fendship with them have different standards. It is best to choose honest fends and selflessly look for one of the most important qualities of fends It's honesty.

If someone always has dous about you, you will find it difficult to keep in touch with them. You may find it difficult to make fends with them. On the contrary, those are honest people who really care about you.

They dare to show you what they really think is worthy of you. Another important quality of fends is selflessness. Fendship is based on mutual cooperation and support On the basis of that, those who only consider themselves will not consider the feelings of others.

They will be easy to use fends. Therefore, such people will not be the choice of fends in the end. Fends are a very important part of o life.

ng fends is very easy, but it is difficult to find the ght person to make fends with. This will ench the rest of yo life Be wise when you are fends.



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