
发布时间:2024-02-06 18:13:50 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”对女生外貌描述“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A descption of a girl's appearance。以下是关于对女生外貌描述中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A descption of a girl's appearance

As we all know, Lu Xun is a famous wter in China. He is not only a wter, thinker, but also the founder of Chinese literate. He wte many classic novels.

His stoes have been translated into many languages and made into films, such as true story of Ah Q and new year's sacfice, which pfoundly show people's pain in their old age. Becse of his achiments in Chinese literate, Chairman Mao's comments on Chinese literate have made great contbutions to the dlopment of Chinese literate He has a high evaluation, and some of his works have been selected into high school and college textbooks. I think you can get a lot fm reading his works.




A she is a female singer gup in Taiwan, composed of Selina (selina hebe) (Hebe) Ella (Ella), a o girl military training harvest year, officially appeared in his eight years. It has been divided into music, concert, drama, endorsement, host, dubbing, creativity, books and other awards. It has many endorsements and sold than 10000 albums.

It enjoys a good reputation as an "Asian women's day gup" in the peak areas of China's populaty and in many countes nd the world.


阿佘是一个女歌手组合,由Selina(Selina Hebe)(Hebe Ella(Ella)两个女孩组成军训丰收年,正式登场于他xx年来至今,分支到音乐、音乐会、戏剧、代言、主持人、配音、创意、书籍等各类奖项,代言众多专辑销量超过万张,在流行高峰地区和世界许多国家享有“妇女节团体”良好声誉。


My he my father maybe ryone has his / her he and my he. That is my father. He is a kind man.

He is a kind person. He is always willing to stop to talk. Maybe he is not stng, but he always ptects me and makes me feel warm.

I don't think he is a handsome man, but what he has done for me makes me become For my he, his kindness and bravery contbuted to my success. He ed me do the ght thing. My father said, "no matter what you do, I will support you." I intend to learn fm him and love him forr.

This ordinary love gives me stren to understand that he, my father, will always be my he.



标签: 职场英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名  射手英文名 

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