
发布时间:2023-01-25 12:53:26 阅读:148 点赞:0

关于”科技改变生活“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Technolo changes life。以下是关于科技改变生活专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Technolo changes life

Technolo in o life today, we can see or feel the impact of technolo almost anywhere. We use mobile phones to communicate, we get information, knowledge and entertainment on the Internet, we dve to work or fly for business travel. We will always have confidence in oselves, becse human beings have almost unlimited potential for creativity and self-impvement.




On a global scale, we have tranormed fm a culte centered on neork TV, cable TV, am and FM badcasting and telephone to a digital society with mass media, streaming information and intelligent comrs. This has been best pved in the explosive gwth of the Internet and is changing daily pducts and practices. The ideas expressed by sofare, chip, communication , financial institutions and mass media have great influence on the global scale.

Beyond e-mail and online shopping, the Internet will greatly change the huge spectrum activities. Its benefits can be well reflected in the following aspects: first, it s us to free oselves fm heavy work and save me O time is convenient for o life. Comrs have penetrated into ry corner of the world.

A perspective of human life can only be displayed by a button. No matter where we are, in schools, business workshops, operating oms, laboratoes, government halls, banks, the Internet seems to reflect a perspective of human life. In addition, comrs benefit us thugh the relaxation and entertainment it pvides, but on the other hand, some people argue that it is inconvenient, wastes time, insulates us fm others and makes o life complicated.

Some people fix the most sophisticated comr, but they can't repair a pair of socks. In fact, the comr has narwed the distance and destyed all boundaes, whether the comr is a blessing or a cse. According to the different envinment and the way you use it, as a new millennium, we look forward to building a new dream by combining the wealth that this new era will bng and the high technolo it will pvide The land of.





We all know that English is becoming and important. I want to learn English well, so I made a plan to learn English, hoping to impve my English ll. I recite English words ry day, becse I think words are the most basic, just like the foundation of family.

Listening to some English songs and watching English movies may be a good choice. More importantly, I will subscbe to some English magazines. It's good for my English reading.

Finally, I'll read something on the weekend morning. I beli I can learn English well.




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