丰富的英语_rich 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-12 01:50:02 阅读:110 点赞:0



Everything has o sides. The poor and the ch also have the happiness and sorw of the poor. They have no money.

They have to worry about food, but they live a happy life. They don't have to worry about whether the money will be stolen by the ch. They have enough money.

They live a happy life. They have rything they need, but their life is not so lucky Fu, although they have to worry about money and the struggle beeen family and money, so fm all these aspects, we know that living a happy and average life is the best.




Wealth is what most people desire in their life. Psuing wealth is their goal in life. They feel confident that money is one of the best things in the world.

They want to make money in as many ways as possible. Consideng what it's like to be ch, people think it will be a very happy life. Life is not so bong as before, but ry day is full of freshness and passion.

Bee money can them do different things, they can rush into department stores to buy many expensive clothes and coeti. Without having to look at the pce, they can afford the expensive entertainment expenses, So their life is colorful luxy fnite, high.




"He suddenly became ch, which changed his whole life style." a wealthy patn saved us with a geneus donation. The United States is a ch country. Rich clothes are decorated with ch things inside the chch.

Oranges are ch in vitamin C C baque style is very decorative, a play full of sense of humor, soil ch in minerals, fertile soil, harvest (fig) ch ideas, blliant, fruitcake ch, cry, cassele, sce cloth dyed pple, the sound is pleasant, mate bailandi wine ch, fruit supply is sufficient, we have sufficient evidence to pve his guilt in a mine He was very clear about the abundant land and abundant fruit supply.


“他突然变得富有,这改变了他整个生活模式”一位富有赞助人用慷慨捐款拯救了我们一位富有明星是一个富有国家富有衣服,装饰着教堂内部富贵东西,橘子是丰富维生素C C巴洛克风格装饰很强,一出戏富有幽默感,土壤富含矿物质,土壤肥沃,丰收(无花果)思想丰富,才华横溢,水果蛋糕丰盛,咖喱,砂锅菜,酱布染成了紫,声音悦耳悦耳,成熟白兰地酒香浓郁,水果供应充足,我们有充足证据证明他有罪,在一个矿产丰富土地上,有充足水果供应,他观点非常清楚。


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