
发布时间:2023-11-23 06:01:54 阅读:68 点赞:0

关于”心目中小镇“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Town in mind。以下是关于心目中小镇高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Town in mind

Chstmas is an annual festival. In the western world, Chstmas is one of their most important festivals. In the past, only Westerners or Chstians would celebrate it, but in recent years, and Chinese celebrate it, especially among young people.

There are many activities on this day. I think there are the following reasons that make Chstmas popular. First in China, it is a western festival, and the second is China.

With the dlopment of the world, the mutual influence beeen China and the west makes it continue, and businesen have made great contbutions to its populaty.





2:心中城市,Sally is my monitor. She is the best monitor I have r seen. She is kind and ful.

Although she is the first student in o class, she nr looks down on others who are willing to teach us. She also takes care of those students with lower grades. She ades her for always staying after school to us explain the parts we don't understand.

She is very patient and nr scolds us n though she is the first student in o class She has explained to us sral times that we very much like that she is a good comprehensive student, so we call on her to be o little teacher and walking dictionary, she is his.




3:心目中小镇,Some of the teachers I know in my mind are very stct, some are very gentle, some are very "childish", some are very close, some are very funny, but they may be much worse than the teachers in my mind, becse in my mind, all the teachers I know have their advantages. The perfect person in my mind is a teacher, a black woman with long hair Teacher, when walking, her long hair is elet, giving people a natal, delicate and feeling. At the same time, she also has a pair of big, bght eyes.

Her height is one meter, and her fige is not light or heavy. When walking in the campus, others will say, "look, that's the teacher of class xx. It's really betiful." in my mind, the teacher is fluent and standard Mandan, but she doesn't speak dialects or sweang Let the students not say those words in my mind is a gentle teacher.

She nr scolds us for o cruelty, and she will not punish us in any way. She will speak to us in a gentle tone, so that we will not have presse. That is why I am a betiful, good tone, gentle and sre mistake in the eyes of the teacher, which has changed and pfound knowledge , funny, kind and enthusiastic, the teacher is closer to XX students.



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