
发布时间:2023-05-08 18:09:56 阅读:96 点赞:0

关于”写一篇冒险“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wte an advente。以下是关于写一篇冒险高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an advente

Some people are afraid of faile. They will find a lot of rational reasons not to take sks. In the end, they do not succeed once.

Some people are afraid of difficulties, and some meaningful things are pushed to others. But when others succeed, they begin to regret. Of cose, we can't take sks blindly.

We should pay attention to scientific laws, predict the fute dlopment of things, and be able to It is a faile to reduce sks and losses, and there will be no great disappointment.




2:写一篇冒险小说,My expeence in the morning fog is a natal phenomenon. It usually appears in the morning, so people call it morning fog. Today is Tuesday.

I get up early and run. When I walk out of the building, I find that I am sunded by fog. I don't know if I am in a dream, becse rything is not clear.

Street lights seem to be far away, like stars in the sky. I can only hear people three meters away Some voices, as people appached, I could see them clearly. My hair was wet, the water was dpping on my face, the morning mist was disappeang, and when the sun se in the East, rything was clear.




3:写一篇冒险,If I have one billion dollars, if I have one billion dollars, I will do many things. For example, I will buy many new clothes for my parents and let them live a happy life. I will donate about one million dollars to poor countes, one million dollars to poor mountain people in China, and I will buy a big and betiful villa for my wife and soning.

I will exercise ry day But if I had a billion dollars, I would buy a lot of sports equipment to keep fit. I will be very happy and can do a lot of interesting things. what about you?.



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