
发布时间:2024-03-08 17:27:03 阅读:21 点赞:0

关于”写一篇以抗击疫情为主题“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Wte an article with the theme of fighting the epidemic。以下是关于写一篇以抗击疫情为主题高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article with the theme of fighting the epidemic

Chinese New Year is a very good festival for Chinese people. Dung the first fo days of the year, people do not work except for the workers. The students don't go to school and the shops are closed.

A few days before the new year, people be to prepare the houses where farmers killed pigs, sheep, osters and hens to buy meat, fish and vegetables. Couplets were pasted on the door, and colorful lanterns were g at the door on New Year's Eve. Members of each family got together to have a reunion dinner after dinner.

They watched TV until the clock rang elve o'clock, and then ry family put on long all firecrackers On the first day of the new year, almost ryone dressed in their best clothes to welcome the new year. On the way of saying "Happy New Year" to each other, relatives and fends called to pay New Year's greetings and gave gifts to each other. The children were addicted to s.





2:写一篇以抗击流行病为主题文章,Family tradition I think you can talk about how yo family has a set of core values similar to the Medieval Knight code, focusing on how to restct you fm doing certain things, such as going home before

10 p.m. You can also talk about yo family's beliefs, such as religion and culte.




3:写一篇以抗击疫情为主题,A all move that makes me moved will you move a ile, a word will you move, a message will you move, an encoaging look will also you to move a little bit of all things will you move, there are many touching stoes aund, as long as you do it with yo heart, finally, a rainy day, the classom with fluorescent lights, a fluorescent lamp on my head Don't be dark. At this moment, a tall fige appeared in the cordor. He was very thin, weang a bwn coat and a pair of sunglasses.

He came to the classom step by step, and the track was close. I got a look at him.



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