
发布时间:2024-01-10 17:44:57 阅读:28 点赞:0

关于”正确运动“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Correct movement。以下是关于正确运动初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Correct movement

With the impvement of people's living standards, children are always the apple of their parents' eyes. Society and parents pvide children with a supeor life. Before children gw up, they may not feel frustrated.

It is pointed out that if children live in such an envinment, they may not be suitable for the cruel and competitive society. How to pperly take care of children has become a hot topic. I have o points First of all, parents should let their children go.

Everyone is unique in the world. Everyone has their own ideas. Although parents care about their children, they can't arrange rything for their children.

Moreover, maybe what they arrange is not what the children want. They have their own way to go. One day they have to face rything by themselves.

Why not let them have a little bit A little bit of gwing spoiled children can pvide them with a pollution-free envinment fm the appearance, but in fact, it will increase the difficulties of their old age life, so parents should let their children go by themselves, instead of holding their hands at ry corner. In addition, parents should listen to their children, n though they think it is immate for s. They need to listen to their children so that they can understand their children's wants and needs.

This is a good way to treat people. If parents only put their thoughts on their children and don't ask anything, this is the way to treat animals, if parents understand Their children's ideas, they can guide them in the ght way to make children gw up healthily. In a word, it is necessary to take care of children in a pper way to them gw up healthily.




She is a betiful girl. She took me to Wonderland. There are many betiful flowers.

They can say hello to you. So I saw all kinds of animals. They can fly as far as I can, but they failed.

Alice gave me an image coat so that I could fly as high as they did. Suddenly I fell down and I got up. Finally, I woke up It's a dream.




"One world, one dream" fully embodies the essence and universal values of the Olympic spit - unity, fraternity, pgress, harmony, participation and dream. It also expresses the common aspiration, language and race of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideal, to fight for the bght fute of without fear of skin color. We share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games Le, we seek the ideal of human peace together.

We belong to the same world. We have the same wishes and dreams.



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