
发布时间:2023-06-15 04:53:02 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”有关学习“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About learning。以下是关于有关学习专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About learning

Try to remember eight or ten words a day, wte them down on paper and put them in yo bedom. When you see these words, say them. Every day when you are shopping, count the English words or say the English names of rything you see.

When you are bored, read them with yo fends and join a school study gup.




Learning has always been an important part of o life. Some people think that when they go to work, they don't need to learn any . This is a wng learning concept.

We not only learn knowledge fm books, but also learn things fm life. Therefore, learning is a lifelong mission. The knowledge learned fm school pvides a way for us to explore the world in the University, We need to learn pfessional skills so that we can find o place in the society.

I beli that in addition to skills, thinking is the most important skill we should . The ultimate goal of education is to let people have their own judent when we work. There are many things we need to learn, such as how to better communicate and how to impve o major Skills although we are not in school, but we are learning practical knowledge, the world is dloping ry moment, we need to continue to move forward, otherwise we will be kicked out of school, this is o lifelong career, we are willing to learn knowledge, becse it means that we are becoming perfect.




We usually learn English in class fm high school, which is obviously not enough, but it is impossible to change this situation now. So in this case, there are many ways to learn English well. We can get multimedia data fm TV pgrams and movies, Internet and badcast.

All of these will o pnunciation and accent and make us speak like one Mother tongue, becse these dates are up-to-date, we can learn and contact the most popular and local English. Last but not least, we are still an important means. We have pfessional teachers to teach us not only how to speak, but also how to wte, read and listen.

These skills are very important for us.



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