
发布时间:2024-03-18 00:42:50 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”生活与生活不同“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The difference beeen life and life。以下是关于生活与生活不同小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difference beeen life and life

Now many students live in school. They think that going home can save study time, while others prefer to stay at home. They think that home can not only give us warmth, but also bng us comfort.

In my opinion, living in school or staying in school depends on o own will. A boy who likes playing at home may live better in school On the contrary, a shy girl should stay at home. When she sleeps at school, she will feel lonely and miss his parents.

So, we hope you have a choice that suits you.




2:生活与生活区别,Now people's life is dloping very fast. Many things have changed in the last centy. Old buildings have been replaced by skyscrs.

Telephone, air conditioning, television, digital camera, comr and Internet have occupied a place in o life. We have entered the information age. We are always enjoying the la digital pducts and all these high-tech pducts.

People are living and The colorful life they have, the they enjoy life than r before. They can watch movies, the Internet, and take vacations. What's , people can't n eat themselves, and there are great differences in transportation.

Modern transportation has replaced people's feet and horses, and people can take aies and subways Maglev and other things also pvide a lot of convenience for people. In other words, people don't have to worry about wasting a lot of time traveling. Howr, while people enjoy the changes bught about by high technolo, some things are still the same, such as those traditional customs and festivals, especially the ancient buildings such as quadrangles and hutongs, the customs of people having dinner together, Beijing Opera and ancient buildings As a symbol of the whole nation's history and culte, people still keep traditional food.

Although the world has been highly dloped and many forei cultes have poed into China, people are still used to eating traditional food. Therefore, I think that although these high-tech pducts have bught unprecedented mateal enjoyment, they still have to pass on traditional food The unified culte will remain unchanged and fther dlop on the oginal basis. We must one acle after another, becse it belongs to the soul of o Chinese nation.




3:生活与生活不同,People are increasingly wored that the Internet has become an indispensable and powerful influence in o daily life for those who are unable to use and access new technologies marginalized in all aspects of economic and social activities. Howr, if it is not used pperly, the Internet will also bng us sks. The Internet is a good soce fm which we can ret valuable information.

In addition, it also facilitates us to communicate with people who are far away fm us, and its cost is much lower than that of traditional means of communication. It can become an important part of children's learning, becse a large amount of information can be oained with a click of a mouse there is evidence that the use of comrs is related to slightly better academic performance. Howr, we have enough evidence that the Internet may be able to People have harmful effects.

For example, their addiction increases the time children and adolescents spend in fnt of comr screens at the expense of other healthier sports activities, thus increasing their chances of being overweight and short sighted. Children's ability to distinguish ght fm wng is limited, so they will be affected by the potential pollution of harmful substances on the Internet. In short, we should try o best to reduce the negative impact of the Internet and traner people's interests, especially young people's interests, to other areas of life.

For example, the Internet is like a coin with o sides. We must recoize its harmful potential and use it to achi a better and meaningful life.





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