
发布时间:2023-05-26 09:10:21 阅读:711 点赞:0



My ideal job. Different people have different aspirations. When children are in school, they already have their own ideal stones.

They want to be engineers or doctors. Others want to be artists or businesen. Some want to be teachers or lawyers.

But few people want to be farmers. Unlike most people, I choose to be a farmer in the fute and contbute to the dlopment of agculte. Agculte is the foundation of the national economy and the people's livelihood.

Without it, no food can svive. Farmers are iored. Even if they are looked down upon by ban people, I am determined to challenge traditional concepts and make contbutions to changing this situation.

Howr, for a centy of modern farmers, this is not easy. A modern farmer must have the knowledge of chemistry, biolo and meteolo. Therefore, I must study hard in the fute.

I beli that only those who have scientific knowledge can meet the challenge of the centy, undertake the task of agcultal modernization, and have the opportunity to study for graduate students in Agcultal University.





2:追求目标,My ambition is to be a teacher when I was a child. I have a lot of dreams. But becoming a teacher is what I want to do most in class.

I pay attention to the teacher's teaching and act as a teacher's er. I think teachers have a greater impact on children's psycholo and behavior. There are many cmes and chaos in o society, just like many fugitives fm bken families and human greed I can become a teacher, I will certainly ask my students to become an honorary and useful person.

O life goal is to each other and achi harmonious happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can be realized. I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the fute.




3:野心,Ambition, happiness and miortune, but many people have a lot of ambition. Ambition is a blessing or a e. Ambition sometimes is a blessing and sometimes a e.

Ambition will give people the motivation to realize their goals and dreams. There is a saying that only when people have achid it. Therefore, in terms of yo dream, the bigger yo dream, the farther you can touch, such as Mark Zuckerberg Zuckerbg, who wants to connect all the people in the world.

Ambition can make individuals very competitive. The incident of Russian athletes taking doping in Rio Olympi is a good example (if you have too much ambition, you can pvide details here. Sometimes blessing tns into e, and people tend to neglect society too much The justice and justice of the emper, and the harm of the emper, have csed unnecessary wars (you can do some research on this, including many examples).


有抱负,有福有祸,但很多人都有很多雄心壮志,雄心是福是祸,野心有时是福,有时是祸,有雄心会使人有动力去实现自己目标和梦想,有一句谚语说,人只有做到了才行因此,就你梦想而言,你梦想越大,你能接触到就越远,比如马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerbg)创建facebook,他想把全世界所有人联系起来,雄心壮志可以使个人变得非常有竞争力里约会运动员集体服用事件就是一个很好例子(如果你有太多雄心,你可以在这里提供更多细节,有时祝福会变成诅咒,人们往往会过分忽视社会公平和正义,皇帝伤害也曾引发过不必要战争(你可以对此进行一些研究,包括很多例子)。

标签: 女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名  E开头英文名 

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