英语演讲稿两分钟简单好背的_The speech is easy to recite in two minutes 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 09:11:18 阅读:141 点赞:0

关于”演讲稿两分钟简单好背“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The speech is easy to recite in o minutes。以下是关于演讲稿两分钟简单好背初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The speech is easy to recite in o minutes

Patience is a virtue, becse it can make us better. The word is defined as tolerating pcrastination, which means self-contl and tolerance, rather than what we want when we want it. How many times do we suddenly find it better to tolerate pcrastination or self-contl? What did we miss? What do we ht? The patient we love will heal the wound becse of lack of patience.

Patience is not only a virtue, but also a necessary condition for a happy life.




I like singing very much. When I am happy, my heart and my body are happy. I often sing out to share my happiness with others, and I also sing out to po out my bad mood.

When I like pop music best, becse I want to follow the trend, I prefer soft music to ck music, becse we may be tired after a day's work, and we need to have a rest Music is o best pastime. My favote pop stars are JJ and Jay Chou. They always do wonderful performances on the stage.

Their songs are so charming. I appreciate them very much. In my spare time, I often sing a song to others.

Everyone is so happy. As my dience, becse I am brave and confident, although I can't be a pfessional singer, I still do Howr, I can get a lot of fun fm singing, becse singing makes my life colorful.




Let me tell you how to deal with a pblem you don't know. When you encounter a difficult pblem, you should calm down and be brave, becse yo inner reason will you find a solution quickly. But if you can't do anything about this pblem, please ask for as soon as possible.

I tell you, the faster you take action, the you will feel if you can face the pblem bravely be confident. Let me tell you, that's why we're gwing and stng.



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