
发布时间:2024-03-15 10:28:17 阅读:55 点赞:0

关于”某项工作安全守则“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Safety rules for a job。以下是关于某项工作安全守则xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Safety rules for a job

Campus secity sounds tte, but when it comes to campus secity, we take it seously almost ry day. The campus secity office receives reports that valuables have been stolen. The school is supposed to be a safe and educated place.

Students' study on campus safety is not only the main concern of students. Fm the perspective of istrators and parents, campus cme is increasing gradually. Howr, for many students and parents, major nts have put safety in the most important position.

Howr, students can not take specific actions to ptect themselves fm dangeus people and situations. For example, they should lock the dormitory door at any time, and phibit any unfamiliar people fm enteng when they are walking in the campus at night. On the one hand, it is better to travel with at least one person.

We students should strenen their safety awareness. Once we find any abnormal situation, we should be ctious Campus reports that equipment, such as monitors, should be installed on campus to detect cme as soon as possible. I beli that as long as there is action on campus, campus secity will be impved.

Therefore, colleges and universities should do their best to make ryone on campus safe and sece.





2:工作安全规则,The swimming pool is only open to hotel guests free of charge ding non opening hos. Guests with high blood presse and heart attack should not use the swimming pool for the sake of yo health and others' health. Anyone suffeng fm infectious diseases, impatient conjunctivitis, middle ear infection, psychosis or hepatitis, skin disease, advanced trachoma, ininal tract and pvate persons are not allowed to use the swimming pool It is safe for children to swim in the pool.

Parents (or s) should accompany and supervise the youngest son under the age of years. If not accompanied by an , the mament office has the ght to brush it into the swimming pool. Unless accompanied by an , children under the age of one cannot use the large swimming pool to store pducts.

Please lock the cabinet and keep the key. Please do not put valuables in the locker, The mament office shall be liable for the loss of all irresponsible pducts. Those who have finished swimming are required to retn to the key places for swimming.

They should take a bath. Smoking and eating are stctly phibited in the swimming pool before the foot is soaked in advance. The swimming pool facilities shall be used safely.

Any personal injy csed by jumping into the water and chasing after playing in the swimming pool shall be borne by themselves In case of heavy rain, rainstorm and lightning, swimmers should try their best to leave the swimming pool immediately. For the sake of the safety of customers, the lifeguards in the swimming pool have the ght to close the swimming pool in an emergency.




3:某项工作安全守则,In recent years, China's toi industry has shown a rapid gwth trend, and ral residents have also begun to travel all over the country. According to a recent svey by some experts, and people are interested in toi. Urban residents often travel and will join the army in the fute.



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