关于火锅的英语作文_Hot Pot 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-05 16:07:56 阅读:243 点赞:0

关于”火锅“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Hot Pot。以下是关于火锅雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hot Pot

Do you know what's the most popular dish in China's cold winter? I know its hot pot is a kind of folk dish with Chinese flavor both in the north and in the south. People like hotpot very much, and each region has its own local charactesti. For example, Sihuan hotpot is hot pot, while Guangdong hotpot is usually famous for its freshness.

There is a kind of hot pot in the middle of the metal table, and the soup in the pot is always there Simmer, vegetables into the pot, beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. Becse it can keep the food warm all the time and the atmosphere is very hot, so it is very popular in winter. Fends or relatives also sit together for a meal, which is a good way to relax.




Do you know what is the most popular dish in the cold winter of China? I know that its hot pot is a Chinese style folk dish both in the north and the south. People like it very much. Each region has its own local charactesti.

For example, the fo ng hotpot is hot pot, while Guangdong hotpot is usually famous for its freshness. There is a metal hotpot in the middle of the table. The soup in the pot is always simmeng, and the dishes are put into the pot, including beef, mutton, fish and vegetables Is the main dish, it is very popular in winter, becse it can keep the food warm all the time, the atmosphere is very hot, too many fends or relatives sit together to eat a good way to relax.




Every time I go out to eat with my fends, I always think of hotpot as my favote food. I like its heat and spicy taste. People always eat hotpot in winter.

But for me, whenr I want to eat hotpot, I will eat hotpot. When I am sick, I don't want to eat anything. When I see food, one day I want to vomit my father My mother was wored about something for me.

When I was walking on the street, I elled the ell. Suddenly, I wanted to eat something. I felt so gry that I went into the store.

People were eating hot pot. My parents ordered food for me. Since then, I have eaten a lot.

I have an appetite for hot pot and become my favote food.



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