关于乐观的英语作文_optimistic 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-10 00:57:30 阅读:75 点赞:0



+As the cartoon above rals, sheep live happily in an optimistic state of mind, iong the threat of dark shadows, becse he belis that where there are shadows, there is sun. ① for the ppose of drawers, what the picte conveys is both positive and enlightening. I think he wants to remind us of the importance of optimi if the sheep in the cartoon are exposed to black all day long Dark shadow feels anxious and pessimistic.

He can nr have a comfortable and happy life. There are many examples like this, but I think the following one will be convincing. Even if there is half a glass of water, the pessimist may cry half becse there is only one glass of water.

Although the optimists may cheer for it, becse they obviously still have half, they still care about the same kind of life Life will have different views and feelings. 3. It is undeniable that the happiness index of most optimists is very high, and it is difficult for pessimists to realize this.

Moreover, we must look at o life with a positive attitude. Optimistic attitude will infect others. We will find that o fends are optimistic.

If we observe them with the same eyes, we will natally an optimistic and happy atmosphere. Let us remember the famous poet Shelley's famous words. When winter comes, we will always remember them Where there is shadow, there is sun, there is a way to have will; ③ to feel and feel; therefore, let us remember Shelley's famous words.

If winter comes, spng will be far behind, please remember this famous saying = If winter comes, spng will be far behind the economy, the aftershocks have already been pduced, and the political influence may not be far away. 5. Give an example to support yo point of view.

It is easy to find examples of optimistic attitude towards life in any part of the world, if there is no stng mind and optimistic attitude How could Zhang Haidi, who came fm high paraplegia, make such blliant achiments in life? He did not choose to stop the seous diseases and difficulties in life, but bravely and optimistically defeated them. She set a good example for us.




A few days ago, I had a long talk with my good fend about fendship, life, work and so on. What's , we are talking about the attitude towards life. We all agree that optimi is the best attitude towards life.

Some people immediately say, "if you want to the world, yo pessimi first." for a lifetime, we often encounter tubles. If you can't get d of worry and pessimi, you will make yo bad hair fuller. Optimi is a kind of mentality, since pessimi can't Change rything, but why don't we change o point of view and treat life and oselves with an optimistic attitude.




Once, I read a story in a book. It was about an old man on a train. One of his shoes fell on the window.

To ryone's spse, he dpped the other shoe out of the window. People quickly asked him why he wanted to do this. He said that if this man picked up one of his shoes, it would be useless, but a pair of shoes were valuable and the old man was so ordinary, He has a positive attitude towards life, and a positive attitude is very important.

When we encounter difficulties, if we are always depressed, we will overcome the difficulties, then we will not be happy, we can not change the bad things, but we can change o attitude.



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