
发布时间:2023-05-03 09:55:29 阅读:907 点赞:0

关于”介绍玩具熊“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduce teddy bear。以下是关于介绍玩具熊雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce teddy bear

Teddy bear is named after Theodore Rooslt, the foth president of the United States. His nickname is Teddy. It is said that President Rooslt ted a bear at the end of his tp.

He did not shoot a bear. A staff member cght a bear cub and tied it to a tree for President Rooslt to shoot. His rejection of President Rooslt's feelings was inapppate for athletes like him.

The story spread quickly, and people soon be to make their own teddy bears. Amecan Mors Mitcham and German Margaret Stein were the first manufacters to pduce teddy bears commercially and the most succesul of the o toy companies You can see many of Stanf's traditional bears at the Teddy Bear Museum in Jeju,.




2:介绍泰迪熊,Polar bear, also known as polar bear, gws in the Arctic. It is the largest carnivore in the living on land. It is the top of the food chain.

It has thick fat and hair to keep warm. Its white appearance on snow is a good ptective color. It can be on land and sea, so it can catch food and svive in the extremely harsh climate of the Arctic.




3:介绍玩具熊,Bees are flying insects, closely related to wasps and ants. Bees are a monophyletic lineage of apoia supemily. At present, according to the unclassified gup name antophila, the species of bees are slightly less than the known species.

Although many have not been descbed and the actual number may be higher, they can be found in ry continent except Antarctica, and in ry continent on earth In a habitat with floweng dicotyledons.



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