
发布时间:2024-02-20 13:20:59 阅读:24 点赞:0

关于”分析人物“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Analysis character。以下是关于分析人物雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Analysis character

Nike advertising ysis whenr you hear a famous phrase just do Most people are familiar with Nike and find that it is one of the most advantageous brands in the industry. Until today, its famous Swoosh logo has accumulated as much as 100 million US dollars ry year. Some people can afford it.

But for many people, the pce is expensive, but the populaty of the brand still forces the middle class to buy the Nike swoosh logo in this advertisement. One has no shoes and shirts A white Chihuahua is stang at the boy, who unates on the wall. The floor is not n paved.

This seems to be a very underdloped area, where poverty makes the backgund of this advertisement disappear behind Nike's Swoosh logo, becse the backgund is dark bwn, which is not eye-catching, becse the inspection of Nike brand is a bold bght red, occupying than half of the picte. The text is just advertising, which is big and bold, which makes it jump out of the page for the first time Advertisement, I ile, becse this little boy unates on the wall, he is performing an action, this message tes to convey to the dience such a word: just do It plays a counter le. It is a rebellious phrase.

The tone of the phrase is indifferent and makes the action look good. It is also a very short phrase. I think this advertisement is very interesting becse it is very interesting.

If you see an ad without chatting, it is one-dimensional and only wants to express an opinion, then it can not convince the dience of it Fm a funny point of view, it is not only the literal meaning of the advertisement, but also the symbolic meaning. The literal meaning is a little boy unating in violation of social norms.


耐克广告分析每当你听到一个著名短语Just do it,大多数人都很熟悉耐克公司,发现它是业内最具优势品牌之一,直到今天,它著名swoosh标志每年累积高达亿美元,有些人买得起,但对很多人来说,价格昂贵,但品牌受欢迎程度仍然迫使中产阶级在这则广告中购买耐克swoosh标志,有一个没有鞋子和衬衫小男孩在脏兮兮墙上,有一只白吉娃娃盯着男孩,他在墙上垃圾,地面甚至还没有铺好。这似乎是一个非常不发达地区,那里贫困使这则广告背景在耐克swoosh标志后面消失了,因为背景是深褐,不吸引眼球,因为耐克品牌是一个大胆鲜红,占据了图片一半以上,文字只是做广告,是大和大胆,这使它跳出页面时,第一次看到广告,我笑了,这是因为这个小男孩在墙上,他在表演一个动作,这个试图向观众传达这样一个词:JUST DO IT扮演一个反角,它是一个叛逆短语,这个短语语气是漠不关心,并且使动作看起来很好,这也是一个非常简短短语,它我认为这则广告很有意思,因为它很有趣,如果你看到一个无聊广告,它是一维,只想表达一个观点,那么它并不能说服观众它有效,因为它很好地吸引了观众注意力,从一个滑稽角度来看不仅是广告字面意思,还有象征意义,字面意思是违规范小男孩。


2:分析特征,One of the most challenging questions is who should take care of the elderly. One of the most challenging questions is who should take care of the elderly. The values of o modern society are personality and creativity.

Pvate cars can have a negative impact on the envinment and transportation. Distance education in the whole society pvides students with interesting learning methods. Howr, some people think that middle school children should wte about international news Some people think that it is a waste of time to study for a subject.

Some people think that middle school children should learn international news as a subject. Howr, some people think it is a waste of time. Some people think that middle school children should learn international news as a subject, but others think it is a waste of time.

Students should do some housework, which is good for their independence They are far away fm their parents and fends, and they can handle rything on their own.




3:分析人物,My heart will continue, my heart will continue: Celine Dion sees you ry night in my dream, I feel you, this is how I know you are in the distance and the beeen us, you come to tell you, no matter where you are, I beli the heart will continue, you open the door, you will be in my heart, my heart will continue, love can touch us once, Love is when I love you, I embrace you in my life, we will always go very close, no matter where you are, I beli that the heart will continue, you are in my heart, you are in my heart, my heart will continue, you are here, I am afraid of nothing, I know my heart will continue, we will always be like you My heart is safe, and my heart will continue.



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