
发布时间:2023-04-03 12:48:18 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”有关校园恋爱“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:About campus love。以下是关于有关校园恋爱雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About campus love

I'm very glad that we can do something for o school. I think each of us can do something. The first thing I can do is to plant trees in the school to make o school betiful, or to oze a though school cleaning to form a good habit of thwing garbage into the garbage can.

The second thing is to ptect the things in the school when we leave the classom. We should not forget Remember to tn off the lights or close the door. Don't let the tap water run or waste any mateals in class.

Everyone, including me, must keep rything we use.




2:关于校园爱情,We know that the campus is a place where teachers and students work and study. A good campus envinment can bng us a fresh and betiful feeling. Although o campus is not large, it has a good green color.

Trees, birds and flowers ell outside the classom, and famous sayings are pasted on the sidewalk. We are trying to a healthy, harmonious and passionate envinment for the students A good envinment is infected and influenced by the envinment as well as his personality. He should establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, so that ryone can gw up healthily in a betiful and clean envinment, and become a civilized citizen in a warm envinment.




3:有关校园恋爱,O school building is very betiful. There are many trees and grass. There are five floors in the teaching building.

There is a spacious entrance hall in fnt of the classom. There is a flaole on the square. There is a library behind the classom.

There are tens of thousands of books in the library. I like o school a lot.



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