
发布时间:2024-03-20 05:10:01 阅读:14 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢明星“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My favote movie star。以下是关于我最喜欢明星xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote movie star

A lot of people want to be superstars like Nicole Kidman or Michael Jordan becse of their desire for honor and wealth. If you are a great singer or football player, there should be thousands of fans following you crazy for you. Howr, in my opinion, a pop star has a lot of tuble, not ordinary people, they always have no free time, they should try to avoid reporters, they must participate in some activities they don't like, so I want to be a good person who works hard and realize my dream in my life.

I am not a superstar.




2:我最喜欢明星,My favote star my favote star is a girl named Li Yuc. She is welcomed by people fm all over the world in my eyes. She is a very likely girl we know.

She is always full of vitality and self-confidence. With her great charm, she immediately becomes a crazy fan of most people. We all appreciate what she has done for the poor.

Obviously, she has been ing poor children go to school, so that the blind can see the bght world again. She is such a kind girl. She is not only o idol, but also o best teacher.

We can learn something useful fm her becse I regard her as my idol. She is very diligent and always ready to others. I want her to be a new person and new songs.





3:我最喜欢明星,Keep the classom clean and tidy. Fnite must be placed in order. Put yo hands before asking questions or answeng questions.

Keep quiet and listen to the teacher when he speaks. Pay attention to one person, pay attention to the equipment. Don't use yo mobile phone in class.

If there is an accident, always tell the teacher firsto (∩) OO (∩) O (∩) O.




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