
发布时间:2023-05-26 15:04:23 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”雾霾危害和预防“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Harm and prntion of haze。以下是关于雾霾危害和预防xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harm and prntion of haze

First, the impact on the respiratory ; second, the impact on the cardiovascular ; third, haze weather will lead to the weakening of the formation of ultraviolet rays nearby, increase the activity of infectious pathogens in the air, and increase the hemorrhagic fr of infectious diseases. Becse of less fog, children lack ultraviolet radiation, the pduction of vitamin D is reduced, and the absorption of calcium is also reduced. In seous cases, it can cse ckets in infants and young children The fifth is the impact on mental health and the sixth is traffic safety.




2:雾霾危害与防治,We are very concerned about the fog and haze in winter. The haze is very harmful, and sral cities are moving. Therefore, we should strenen the envinmental mament, and do not let the haze rage.

Many people must know that haze, of cose, is the main reason that a large number of haze are suspended in the air. The mic aesol composed of undergund water dplets or ice crystals is close to the bottom air The pduct of condensed water mainly cses Fog Visibility Reduction and traffic pblems. Howr, haze, which is not harmful to people, is composed of dust, sulfuc acid, nitc acid and other harmful substances in the air.

It will make the atmosphere tbid and blred, leading to visibility reduction. Human body will also gather together for o unrelated haze bthers, csing unprecedented damage to the atmosphere The air quality of some cities has reached the ll of moderate pollution, but some cities have reached the ll of seous pollution. The very terble haze will cse great harm to ads, railways, aviation and power supply s.

The impact of cp gwth can also easily lead to the spread of infectious diseases and vaous diseases harmful to human health, and lead to the easy spread and enhancement of air pollutants Harmful substances, which are toxic, may cse oke and seous harm, especially respiratory . It is reported that the incidence rate of human respiratory has increased by an alarming number in winter than last winter. Therefore, we should prnt the haze fm being delayed.

We should stop doing morning exercises and households in haze. But this is not enough. I think the main reason for this bad weather is tomobile exhst emissions and industal exhst emissions.

Therefore, the state should intduce policies to contl harmful gas emissions as soon as possible, plant trees and grass, and clean up o envinment. I think if we mobilize, haze should flee fm it dejectedly. I hope we can take action and have grass Flowers, envinmental ptection, for o fute generations to a green natal envinment.




3:雾霾危害和预防,In recent years, haze has become a kind of daily weather in China. People have to wear masks to avoid inhaling toxic air. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the cses of this situation and find solutions.

If we trace the cses of haze weather, there are mainly the following points: China's air quality standards are relatively loose, and the evaluation factors are very limited. Therefore, you will see that the crent air quality evaluation has defects. Some people do not pduce pducts according to relevant laws and regulations just for economic interests.

They tend to use outdated equipment, which is likely to emit emissions Third, in the whole society, the relevant ptection awareness has not been established, people have not formed the habit of using green pducts to save ener as much as possible. In order to facilitate people to go out, people increasingly rely on cars to travel and work, and cars are the main cse of haze weather. To solve this pblem, we should first take a sees of meases: strenen the air In order to reduce the ll of all particulate matter pollution, we should formulate stngent laws and regulations, constantly impve the crent envinmental ptection law, standardize people's daily behavior and industal pduction, punish those factoes that iore ptection and continue to discharge hazardous substances csing haze.

We should dlop green ener-saving ener, reduce haze emissions and impve air quality Quantity. As far as I know, if we work together, o envinment will get better and better, and the haze will disappear completely.



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