
发布时间:2023-11-24 14:08:54 阅读:39 点赞:0

关于”用介绍长城“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce the Great Wall with。以下是关于用介绍长城xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce the Great Wall with

The great wall of China is called the great wall of China in Chinese. In fact, the Great Wall has a history of than 20 centies. The first part is the spng and Autumn peod of the Warng States peod.

It was built in the Qin Dynasty to ptect the borders of other countes. In order to prnt the enemy fm enteng the Qin Shihuang Empire, the state of Qin connected all the walls into an empire, thus forming the Great Wall. The top of the wall is wide enough to allow five horses or ten people to walk side by side along the wall.

This is the watchtower soldiers used to guard. When the enemy came, bonfires were set up on the tower to warn. In ancient times, it was very difficult to build such walls without any modern machines.

All the work was done by hand. Thousands of people died and were bied under the walls. The Great Wall they built was not only made of stone and clay, but also made of flesh and blood.

Today, thousands of people have become an interesting place not only for Chinese people, but also for people all over the world. Many of them know a famous Chinese saying: "you are not a real person until you reach the Great Wall.".






Like a giant , the Great Wall traverses North China, winding fm west to East, thugh deserts, mountains, valleys and finally to the sea. It is the longest Great Wall in the world. It is also one of the wonders of the world and has a long history.

The first part was built in the spng and Autumn peod. All the city walls were connected by the Qin Dynasty. All the bckwork was done by hand.

In the pcess of building the Great Wall, thousands of people died. Therefore, the Great Wall was born. The Great Wall has been rebuilt and repaired many times.

Now the Great Wall has been completely new, and it has been attended by a large number of people fm all over the country and all over the world.




The great wall of China is called "the great wall of China" in Chinese. In fact, it is than kilometers long and is one of the wonders of the world. It has a history of than 20 centies.

The top of the Great Wall is wide enough for five horses or ten people to walk side by side along the wall. It is a watchtower, where soldiers used to watch. When the enemy attacked, they lit bonfires on the tower as a warning.

Today, the Great Wall is not only a place of interest for Chinese people, but also a place of interest for people all over the world. Many people know a famous Chinese saying: "you are not a real person until you reach the Great Wall.".




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