
发布时间:2023-05-31 13:13:45 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”推销自己“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sell yoself。以下是关于推销自己专升英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sell yoself

How to sell yoself? How can we talk about this topic? In fact, people don't need to sell themselves. We can see a person's physical condition by looking at his mental state and facial skin. We can see that a person is impe.

We can know that his eyes clearly represent a kind of It's a regular life. Therefore, people don't need to sell themselves. You are the wind.

Someone will feel it. The fragrance will natally go thousands of miles away https://picwenwensosocom/p//jpegjpg.




Please take a look at this attractive mobile phone. This is the la pduct of Nokia. Its perfect appearance will definitely make you feel very interesting, such as silver white metal shell, color apppate keyboard, crystal screen and so on.

Of cose, judging fm the appearance is not convincing. There is no need to mention that as a mobile phone, ordinary functions, let me show you it Unique and important functions. First of all, it has the S sofare thozed by Google.

When you step on the open sky, it can give you a clear ad. The mobile phone can be connected to the newly dloped 3G neork. It can pvide you with a sees of s, such as watching video, listening to music, tranitting pictes, etc.

Last but not least, it's cheaper than its equivalent. If you're thinking about buying a new mobile phone and want to know which one to choose, I think you think it's a good choice.




A young man fm Virginia moved to California to look for a job in a big department store. The said, "do you have any sales expeence?" the child said, "yes, I worked as a salean in my hometown in Virginia." the boss liked the boy, so he offered him a job. "You start tomorw, we'll come back after closing to see how you're doing." the job is very difficult But he svived after he was locked up in the store.

The boss said, "what's yo sales today?" the child said, "one." the boss said, "just what's the average daily sales of o salesperson." the child said, "what did you sell him?" the child said, "first I sold him a all fishhook, and then I sold him a medium-sized one." Hook and then I sold him a bigger hook, and then I sold him a new fishing d, and then I asked him where he was going fishing, and he said he was by the sea, so I told him he needed a boat, so we went to the shipping department, I sold him the in engine Chs flyer, and he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him to the car The boss said, "if you come here to buy a fishhook, you can sell him a boat and a truck." the child said, "no, he came here to buy a box of s for his wife. I said," since you don't have much time on weekends, you'd better go fishing. ".



标签: 英国英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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