
发布时间:2023-05-01 16:49:22 阅读:316 点赞:0

关于”写一篇深造“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Wte a fther study。以下是关于写一篇深造雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a fther study

Note: for this part, you have 30 minutes to wte a composition on the topic that we need to baden o knowledge. You should wte no less than words, and yo composition should be based on the following outline (Chinese): Remember to wte yo composition clearly, we need to baden o knowledge as we all know. Science and technolo are an indispensable part of the dlopment of human beings.

Without science and technolo, human beings are still in the pmitive state before they reach the age of death. All human achiments are dd fm the dlopment of science and technolo, social sciences and natal sciences Learning is inseparable. Although the former contbutes to the spitual dlopment of human beings, the latter mainly focuses on the understanding and creation of the world, but the dlopment of social science cannot be separated fm the new discovery of the world by natal science.

Without the philosophy pvided by social science, the dlopment of natal science will stop. This relationship has become closer in modern society, and a lot of new ideas have been pduced on the basis of these o sciences Invention, therefore, as college students, we need to expand the scope of knowledge, we should learn as much as possible the knowledge of o sciences, in order to have a great to the construction of o country.




2:写进一步研究,In the nine-year compulsory education, education is and perfect, students can receive better education, almost all children can receive education, civilization can be passed down one by one, and children go to university, and education has been established, the population has been big enough to become a big city youth go out to work, they can save enough money for the family The quality is higher than before. Maoming's buildings are very betiful, the traffic is very fast, people pay attention to some in the green traffic, they will go to work by bike, ryone loves the envinment, come to the conclusion that this city can become a civilized city.




3:写一篇深造,For some people, it's impossible to take the first step of forgiveness becse they don't know how to do it. First of all, and most importantly, what you need to accept is that the act of forgiveness can't be very . It may be the hardest thing most of us have r done.

It seems totally unfair. We should forgive when we are ht. This is the key to forgiveness.

This seems unfair, becse it is unfair. Otherwise, to forgive and forgive is to forgive those things which are unforgivable in essence. In short, if there is anything to forgive, there is no need to forgive.

Is it possible that the sentence "forgive and forget" may slip fm the tongue, but this sentence is superficial, becse it is the abbreviation of one thing, and for another, it is It's impossible. It iores the whole point of forgiveness. The things we need to forgive most in o lives are things we can't forget, not swept under the carpet.

We need to draw a line under them, deliberately choose not to compare them to the people who have done them, and then move on. That's why, sometimes, the initial act of forgiveness seems relative Easy, but ry time you see that person, or talk to them or just think about them, it's difficult to deal with the emotions that come with it. Real forgiveness is not an act, it's a constant emotional confntation.

The longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it will be to heal. It will only allow pain and resentment to engulf you in yo heart if you wait for one“ You may nr do it at the ght time.



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