
发布时间:2023-04-21 18:04:01 阅读:499 点赞:0

关于”线上教学利弊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of online teaching。以下是关于线上教学利弊高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of online teaching

In recent years, the Internet has been populazed at an alarming speed. Some people think that the Internet has bught us a lot of benefits, but on the other hand, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? A: in recent years, the Internet has been populazed at an alarming speed. Some people think that the Internet has bught us many benefits.

On the other hand, many people stngly advocate that the disadvantages of the Internet should not be iored It is understandable that people with backgunds have different interpretations of the same pblem. People who agree that the Internet has many advantages first give their reasons: the Internet has bught us great convenience and efficiency. For example, we can send e-mail to o fends in other countes in a few minutes, while it takes at least a week to send a traditional letter.

Secondly, it is expensive. We can make fends with people fm all over the world Overcome the geographical barers and make the world aller. In addition, the Internet has accelerated the flow of information and spread education nd the world.

We can easily and quickly access the la information fm all over the world. On the other hand, we stngly oppose that the Internet has many weaknesses. On the one hand, it can easily lead to psychological pblems.

A person who goes online tends to be isolated, self-centered and uncommunicative. On the other hand, the number of cyber cmes has sen sharply. More and financial cmes, such as money lndeng, are imported thugh the Internet Yes.

In addition, it has a negative impact on young people becse there is a lot of obscene and violent content on the Internet. I think there may be some truth in these o views. I fully agree with the latter view, that is, the disadvantages of the Internet oueigh its advantages.

It cses people's psychological pblems and leads to vaous comr cmes. Moreover, it is harmful to the gwth of agers. We should take meases to ptect people fm the negative impact of the Internet as soon as possible.





Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in o daily life. We can sf the Internet thugh comrs or mobile phones anytime and anywhere. Howr, the debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the neork has nr stopped.

Some people say that the neork is a platform for information shang, so we have a convenient channel for information dissemination and access to information. Howr, some people think that some people commit cmes thugh the Internet. Fm my point of view, we should stay away fm the Internet.

I prefer to agree with the former view. First of all, there are some reasons To understand my point of view, the Internet, in the field of information, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently. Information is wealth in many cases.

Whether we can succeed in something depends on how much information we get. In addition to its seous functions, the neork is a good entertainment tool. We only have TV or machines for entertainment, but now we can do it There is an entertainment function platform on the Internet.

We can watch TV pgrams and movies, or play online s, or chat freely with fends. This is a good way to relax. There is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantages, but I think its advantages far oueigh its disadvantages, that is, we can make good use of the good ones and avoid the bad ones.




Now many of my clasates like to sf the Internet in their spare time. I think the Internet can bng us both advantages and disadvantages. For example, if I have difficulties in learning, I can search for useful information on the Internet, and I can make fends on the Internet.

Some of my clasates said that when they chat with fends, they feel happy and have many similar pblems. Howr, the Internet can also bng some pblems. If you spend too much time on it, you will become lazy and can't concentrate on yo study.

If you think you can't live without the Internet, it's n worse, so we must be careful when using the Internet.




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