
发布时间:2024-02-24 11:17:50 阅读:104 点赞:0

关于”读经典书重要“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The importance of reading classic books。以下是关于读经典书重要考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of reading classic books

When we were very young, o parents have begun to cultivate o interest in reading novels. It is very important to read books, bee people always say that there are pceless treases in books. If we can find classic books, it is necessary bee on the one hand, they show us a lot of knowledge.

We can baden o hozons and ench o thoughts. Classic books can be presented to us The common idea of classic novels is to descbe the gwth pcess of the ptagonist after reading books. We know that when we encounter difficulties, we must be stng.

The key to success is nr to give it to others. We can impve o expression ability when wting articles. We are tubled by structe and vocabulary, and we can comply with it It is important to betify o articles by following the structe of classic novels and good vocabulary.

Good reading skills show o personality. A person with good wting skills is easy to be favored by others.




The importance of reading classi is well known. Reading classi is very important for the personality dlopment and personal gwth of agers. For me, nothing can bng happiness and happiness than reading famous works d by great men like Conius and Cao Xueqin.

Dream of Red Mansions and mance of Three Kingdoms can greatly impve people's aesthetic taste and deepen the splendid history of Chinese culte understand. Howr, modern society is full of temptations. Compared with TV soap operas, sports nts and video s, classical literate is obsolete and time-consuming.

In bookstores, fast-food books are replacing classi. Young wters have won the support of a large number of fans with sensational and icy remarks. We should fully recoize the importance of classi in badening o hozons.

We should start reading and studying the treases of o ancestral centers, absorb the essence of these classic works, and publicize the importance of classi to the public, so that and ordinary people can enjoy the please of reading..



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