
发布时间:2023-01-12 05:25:08 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”描写老师“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Descbe the teacher。以下是关于描写老师雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe the teacher

My English teacher, when I entered high school, I be to like English, which is due to my English teacher, he inspired my interest in learning English, and affected my fute, her name is Zhang Yanshu, I will always remember her name, she showed us a deep love different fm other teachers, she has nr been rude to us, she to us In order to understand the bety of language and appreciate forei culte with her skillful , the students in o class have a great interest in this cose, and rapidly impve [next page] she is kind and patient, and does not mind students' low learning of new knowledge, but this does not mean that she is not stct with what we have learned, and she often asks for it We recall what we learned in class, which is also a way to check the homework she assied. In this case, we must study hard to live up to her hope. She is such an excellent teacher.

We have got a lot fm her, not only knowledge, but also kindness, diligence and appreciation of bety. All these will be useful for my life.




Hangzhou is located in the southeast coast of China. It is the political, economic and cultal center of the Yangtze River Delta. The climate is mainly supical monsoon.

The climate is mild and humid, with sufficient sun and abundant pducts. The fo seasons are distinct. Rainfall has endowed this charming city with infinite charm.

Due to the seasonal change of prevailing wind, the weather , dominant air mass and weather conditions are presented The relative change charactesti of spng flowers blooming, summer hot and wet, tumn cool and comfortable, winter dry and cold.




^She is my English teacher. She is very betiful. She is very nice to us.

She has long hair and big eyes. She is tall. She likes to make fends with us.

But sometimes she is very stct with us. If we can't do o homework well, she is a good teacher, so I like her very much.



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