
发布时间:2024-02-13 07:41:50 阅读:44 点赞:0



Rational people adapt themselves to the world; unreasonable people insist on trying to adapt the world to themselves (Bernard Shaw) ; ry form of addiction is bad, whether the drug is alcohol, morphine or ideali (c.g.bell) ; as long as the world continues to exist, there will be mistakes, and if no one resists, these mistakes will last forr (C.Darw) I don't appve of what you say, but I will defend to the death yo ght to speak (Voltaire) the only person who is truly free is one who can refuse an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse (J Renard) the man with a new idea is a weirdo, until the idea succeeds Mark Twain the greater his anger is restrained (Ovid) fighting for pnciple is better than living up to thema E Nothing is permanent except for change (Heraclitus) people who want to gain the blessing of must expeence the fatigue supporting it (t Paine) ԡ there is no ad to glory (La Fontaine) ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ 13; .


理智人使自己适应世界不讲理人坚持试图使世界适应自己(萧伯纳) 每一种形式上瘾都是不好,不管麻醉剂是酒精、还是理想主义(C·G·钟) 只要世界继续存在,就会有错误,如果没有人反抗,这些错误就会持续下去永远(C达罗) 我不赞成你说话,但我会誓捍卫你说话权利(伏尔泰) 唯一真正自由人是一个可以拒绝吃饭邀请而不给任何借口人(J Renard) 有新想法人是个怪人,直到想法成马克·吐温) 人越伟大,他愤怒越克制(奥维德) 为原则而战比不辜负themA E Stnson容易) 除了改变没有什么是永久(赫拉克利特) 想要收获自由祝福人必须经历支持它疲劳(T Paine) 没有一条通向荣耀道路(La Fontaine) 不要,因为一次失败,就放弃你决心要努力目标()‰‰‰‰‰‰ 决心要赢得想要更多玫瑰,我们必须种树(艾略特) 时间是永远飞翔鸟(T W Robertson) 如果你年轻时不学会思考,你可能永远学不会(爱迪生) 一天是永恒缩影(爱默生)。


We have to face o daily life, why we don't spend ry day happily. In fact, life is colorful. Life is an endless ad.

There are no parking sis on this ad, but sometimes we should stop to have a rest and enjoy the betiful scenery along the ad. Life is a box of chocolates. You don't know what you will get.

Life is a lemon, although it tastes at first So and n bitter, if you do not give up life, you will also taste the sweetness of the heart. We are always ch when we live, becse we can do rything we need, we live in this world, rything we want. Life is a special gift.

Don't leave anything for a special occasion, becse ry day you live is a special moment for you. Life is a story, full of ists and tns, but after we overcome all the difficulties, we will find it is wonderful. Life is an ocean, full of advente, but when the wind blows, sfing will make us stnger and stnger Life is an Iceland, it is so slippery, but skating on this land is a good way to o ability.

Life is a sword, it has opportunities and challenges, but if we make good use of it, we can benefit a lot fm life.




The pcess of true love is nr easy (Shakespeare) love is stnger than death when I was young, I aded intelligent people; now I am old, I ade good people (AJ Heschel) all good things are cheap, all bad things are precious Thore) patient windmill nr lost his way to find the wind (Andy J sklivis) morality may only consist in the coage to make a choice (L Blum) reputation usually comes fm people who are thinking about something else (o w Holmes) envious people are tuble to others, but a torte to themselves (W Penn) if there is not so much compassion in the world, there will be less tuble in the world (Wilde) many people's reputation will not be known if they meet on the street (e Hubbard) don't waste yo life in dou and fear (Emerson) the most exhsting thing in life is dishonesty (a m Lindbergh) think about how many people are shocked by honesty and how few are shocked by honesty. It's a depressing Deception (coward).


真爱过程从来不会一帆风顺() 爱情比亡更强大 当我年轻时候,我钦佩聪明人现在我老了,我敬佩善良人(A J Heschel) 一切美好东西都是廉价,所有坏事都是非常珍贵梭罗) 耐心风车从不迷路寻找风(Andy J Sklivis) 道德可能仅仅在于做出选择勇气(L Blum) 名声通常来自于那些正在想别事情人(O W Holmes) 嫉妒者对别人来说是麻烦,但对自己是一种折磨(W Penn) 如果世界上没有那么多同情心,世界上麻烦就少了(王尔德) 许多人名声如果在街上遇见就不知道他格(E Hubbard) 不要把生命浪费在怀疑和恐惧中(爱默生) 生活中最让人筋疲力尽事是不真诚(a M Lindbergh) 想想有多少人被诚实震惊,而有那么少人被诚实震惊,这是令人沮丧欺骗(懦夫)。

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