
发布时间:2023-07-17 10:13:14 阅读:343 点赞:0

关于”邀请参观工厂邀请函“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Invitation to visit the factory。以下是关于邀请参观工厂邀请函小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invitation to visit the factory

Attention: please allow Mr. Smith (passport number) to oain the necessary pvileges to visit China. He represents one of A's major customers.

His visit is to o company dlop technical pducts. O company will export to the UK. He plans to visit for the first time.

We would like to thank you for yo timely pcessing of the necessary documents to Mr. Smith, who will be responsible for the expenses dung the tp Thank you.




2:参观工厂邀请,Before visiting the factory, I have been looking forward to visiting yo factory. I hope I can learn a lot fm this visit. I can show you o bches.

I can take a look at yo bches. Please take a look at o annual pduction. I will show you a video about o company and new pducts.

I want you to meet some of o pducts Hello, Mr. Collins. I'd like to intduce Mr.

Chen. The president on my ght is Mr. Bwn.

He was pmoted to the director of overseas sales department last year, so he knows the Eopean very well. In the pduct dlopment department, he knows about this pduct than anyone else. O technical dlopers may be familiar with this pblem.


20 minutes fm the hotel, let me show you fo Please come this way. We are going to the foth floor. It's very dangeus.

Please don't get close to it. Please ask any questions. What's yo annual capacity in this factory? We make an appointment ry month.

We have three shifts. We check ry part before installation. We are pud of o quality contl pcedes.

We have five laboratoes and a full staff of

15 engineers I'm sorry, but it's confidential. I can't answer yo question. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = after visiting the factory = = = = = = = = = = how about the rest time? Lunch time, for example.

Would you like to discuss it at lunch? I'd like to discuss some details with yo tomorw. What do you think of o factory's visit to o factory? What's yo general impression? It's very impressive. Yo factory is very large and the facilities are very good.

We spend a lot of money on equipment, but it's better in the long run. Do you have any difficulties in meeting the pduction plan? You have a very efficient factory and I am confident to establish a long-term business relationship with you.




3:邀请参观工厂邀请函,Mr. / MS. e4be5bedear: I am very glad that you have accepted o invitation to speak at the meeting held in [city] on [date].

You will speak on the theme of "" fm [time] to [time]. If you can tell me what kind of dio-visual equipment you need, please tell me what kind of dio-visual equipment you need. By [date], I will have enough time to ense that the hotel pvides you with what you need.

Thank you again for yo agreement to speak. I sincerely look forward to yo letter, [name] [title] Dear [XX]: would you like to attend the lunch meeting on Fday, May

5, [12:00] my nephew Mary is coming to visit us. I think you will be very happy to meet her.

She is a charming, very betiful girl. John and Jane will be here. Maybe we can have a ball after lunch and say you'll come affectionately.


e4be5beDear先生/女士:很高兴您接受了我们邀请,于[期]在[城市]举行会议上发言,您将以“”从[时间]到[时间]主题发言。如果您能告诉我您需要什么样视听设备,请告诉我您需要什么样视听设备要求到[期]我将有足够时间确保酒店为您提供您需要东西再次感谢您同意发言我真诚地期待您来信,[姓名][职务]亲爱[xx]:您愿意参加xx月5星期五午餐会吗,[十二点]我侄女玛丽要来拜访我们,我想你会很高兴见到她,她是一个迷人,非常漂亮女孩。约翰和简会在这里,也许我们可以在午餐后举行舞会,说你会亲热地来,xx xx:xx。

标签: 男士英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  QQ英文名 

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