
发布时间:2023-03-04 13:36:09 阅读:70 点赞:0

关于”五一劳动节“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:May Day 。以下是关于五一劳动节小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:May Day

Three days ago, we decided to visit the Great Wall today. We met at the bus stop early in the morning. We saw many new buildings and new shops on the bus.

Beijing is higher than before. I think it took us about o hos to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in fnt of us, we couldn't thinking, how wonderful! I want to know how people in the past were Built without modern machines, it's said that you can see it fm .

After retning home, I made up my mind to study harder than before. Ding the labor day of May Day, I will try my best to make o country betiful and powerful. I spent a lot of time.

First of all, I had to start to do my homework one by one after I separated all the homework by subject. After sral hos of hard work, I finished the homework and checked it again. Finally, the playing time was over.

I quickly grabbed my football and started running to the door. I saw that my parents were trying to do spng cleaning, although I really wanted to relax and play. I decided to my parents instead of first ing my father clean the windows.

There was a lot of dust flying nd and it took a lot of effort to make the windows spotless. Later, I went to my mother move the floor, and ed her move nd. Time flies when you are busy working.

Soon we found oselves seeing a clean and betiful home. We are pud of what we have done, which is a good discovery of labor day.







1 International Labor Day oginated fm the general stke of the Chicago workers' Congress on May

1. After arduous and bloody struggle, many workers in Chicago finally won in memory of the great workers' movement. The second International Labor Day was announced in July, and may of each year was desiated as international labor day.

In September, the State Council reformed and pmulgated a new legal holiday . The national day, Spng Festival, may day and other statutory holidays increased the number of inverted holidays. The long National Day holiday lasted for sral days.

The toi consumption craze tggered by the three "golden weeks" has become a new bght spot in China's economic life. The holiday economy has become a new topic that people like to talk about. The siificance of International Labor Day lies in the fact that workers have gained thugh struggle Legitimate ghts and interests, and the spit of unyielding and heic struggle, this is the essence of the histocal pgress of human civilization and democracy, may day makes people pay so much attention to labor day.




3:五一劳动节,The Labor Day holiday passed quickly. On May 1st, we went to the zoo. It was very cwded, so many toists fm all over the country had a good time ding the holiday.

On May

2, my parents and I went to visit my relatives. We had a big lunch together and the restaant was very cwded. On May

3, we went shopping in the shopping mall.

After shopping, we went to see a new movie. I didn't go anywhere for the rest of the days, not only becse I had some homework, but also becse there was a lot of traffic rywhere.



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